Finally saw Star Trek today!
Chris Pine was PERFECT as Kirk. Absolutely PERFECT. He was Kirk, without being... well, Shatner. I wasn't expecting much from him, but he worked wonderfully.
Spock? Eh... sometimes I saw flashes of Sylar, especially at the very beginning. After a certain point - when everyone was aboard the Enterprise, I think - I stopped noticing. He did a good job as Spock. I really enjoyed the Young Spock and Old Spock part at the end! Oh, Old Spock. Never stop being awesome.
Chekov? Scotty? Sulu? YES.
Uhura... well, hm. I did like that she was very good at her job, and that she didn't get placed in an "Action Girl" slot. The problem is, as the only main female character there are certain... I'm not sure how to put it. Expectations? (Would it have killed them to have Nurse Chapel or Yeoman Rand somewhere?) And besides that, I just didn't think she felt much like Uhura. I'm having a difficult time defining exactly what Uhura's personality was in the Original Star Trek, but her character just didn't seem as spot-on as the rest. Maybe it was the romance? Spock/Uhura is, eh... I didn't really hate it, but I didn't really love it either. I've always liked Spock better when he has holds his emotions very tightly in check? Spock was a little too emotional in this movie for my tastes, even though it's understandable emotion. Alternate universes, I guess.
The plot is, eh... yeah, a Star Trek plot. But without any message, which I didn't really mind, but it didn't feel much like Star Trek without a heavy-handed message about peace/tolerance/whatever.
I mean, "red matter"? Hahaha, couldn't they at least have tried to come up with a better name than that? And Nero, couldn't you try to, I don't know, SAVE ROMULAN IN THE 25 YEARS YOU'VE BEEN HERE INSTEAD OF PUNISHING SPOCK FOR SOMETHING THAT HASN'T HAPPENED YET?
The plot didn't really matter to me much, though. It was the events that made me giddy. Kobayashi Maru? EEE. Spock beating up Kirk? EEE. Sulu fencing? EEE. Chekov doing... well, anything? EEE. Little Spock? EEE.
So pretty much the entire movie was one big nerdy "EEEE" moment from me.
Well, except the whole parents dying thing. That depressed the heck out of me. And whenever I tried to actually think about the time travel aspect (argh, I hate time travel stories).
"Boldly go where no one has gone before"? Hahaha.
The audience in the theater I was in was pretty good. They laughed at all the right places, and cheered at the end. Unfortunately, I had an obnoxious fan sitting next to me who WOULDN'T SHUT UP. This can only mean I have to go see the movie again, right? Right.
So, overall? GOOD: Characters (casting and personality), excitement. BAD: Plot, science, promotion logic. I really liked it! I didn't love it more than the old TV series. But I didn't hate it like I was worried I would.