Opinion of the ME3 Extended Cut:
Well, it didn't actually fix the actual structural and thematic problems with the ending. And it actually felt kind of hacked together, with pre-rendered movies, in-game cutscenes, and slideshows smooshed together.
But it wasn't as bad as it could be. I guess.
Destroy - I do feel kind of bad about EDI and the geth. But it's still an ending that makes sense and isn't pulled from some random comment five minutes before the end. Mission was to kill the Reapers. I killed the Reapers. Ending is acceptable, if not actually all that fulfilling or good.
Synthesis - "Different cultures can never get along so we'd better make them all the same! Getting over our differences is the same as getting rid of them! This is the best ending, WHY WON'T YOU GUYS ACCEPT IT."
...I hate the Synthesis ending so much. EDI, you're already alive. You don't need whatever space magic I did for that to be true. Why is this the only ending that has Quarians unmasked? Why do all the characters look so terrifying with glowy eyes? What is "organic energy"? WHY DOES JOKER'S HAT HAVE CIRCUITS
Control - I probably shouldn't have liked it, but I did. It feels like a super-evil ending though. Yay, immortal robot space cops. There's no possible way this could go wrong :\
Reject - It gets rid of that awful Buzz Aldrin voice over, so I can't dislike it. Even if the obvious reason they included it was as an insult to the fanbase, I feel like it wasn't a bad ending. If it had been in the original game, low EMS, I would have loved it and probably made a run to get it.
At the moment, my city is kind of...
burning, so it might just be the fumes talking again.