Who: K'tric, Lili
When: Day 8, Month 12, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Where: Weyrling Clearing, Western Islands
What: K'tric briefly runs into Lili.
On a Western Island, Clearing
Set off and away from the main encampment, a broad path leads to this clearing of generous size. The lack of vegetation is mostly natural with the edges cut back to provide a bit more room. Located off to the side and in the shade is a large lean-to of sorts. Not much more than four supports with a thatched roof, said roof is big enough to cover a space that allows thirty three cots and ample room between each for growing dragons. A large pile of dried grasses and palm leaves is available for those young dragons that wish to construct a nest of sorts. There are also ever present barrels of oil.
The portion of the clearing that is not used for this makeshift barracks is empty space for dragons and their riders to move or land. Near to the main path but off to the side, there is a circle of staggered flat rocks and old tree stumps. A seating area for talking, lessons, or studying.
The wet season is marked by heavy grey and black clouds that hang perpetually in the sky. Some days, the covering is so thick that even midday feels like evening. The rains vary from a steady fall to a heavy relentless pounding, occasionally stopping completely for ten or fifteen minutes.
Obvious Exits:
Beach (B)
K'tric and Kasvatuth are out in the clearing of the weyrlings' land, the pair with a small bowl of oil along with them. The former healer is busily oiling the green, methodically working his way across her hide.
Lili's looking about ready to take advantage of the lull in the rains - is that sunshine? - and go for a swim. She's got her towel draped over her shoulder, and her hair is for once left out, choppy blonde lengths brushing her shoulders. The lake she's headed to is on a path that leads right by K'tric and Kas, and the cheery weyrling (echoed by Emieth, who's following diligently behind) greets her counterparts. "Hey, K'tric! Ain't it nice the rain's cleared up for a bit?"
"Oh, hi," K'tric says, a couple of moments later as he looks up at Lili and then Emieth. Kasvatuth croons to offer her own greeting to the pair as her rider pauses his oiling to watch them. "We decided we ought to do this out here while we could. You're going swimming?"
"I am," Lili confirms with a grin, pausing on the path to stop and chat awhile. "Now that I think about it, it's kinda funny - the rain stops, so I plan to go get wet elsehow. Aha! D'rian said it'd be good training, but," she explains, stumbling a bit as Emieth bumps into her. Oops!
"Training?" K'tric asks, tilting his head as he continues watching Lili, now curious. "D'rian said that?"
Lili nods, raking fingers through her hair to pull it out of her eyes. "D'rian said that," she repeats. "After I told him about the extra exercises mister J'lor gave to me, he said swimming would help. Coz, yanno. I was worried about getting left behind."
"Oh." K'tric is silent a moment. "I think he's right. It's good exercise, swimming, and it will help strengthen you." Pause. "... /D'rian/ said that?" Which is apparently his sticking point.
Lili, oblivious. Her eyebrows are high, and she's got her routine smile for K'tric, though it quirks lopsidedly as he questions her. "That's what I said, innit? He saw me doing the lifty-arm things with rocks, and said swimming would help too. He was kinda nice for a bit, even. Gave me some more help with my stitches."
"Just... wondering." K'tric shrugs. "It doesn't sound like a very D'rian thing to do, but. Maybe he... I don't know. Maybe he's just being nice, right." He nods, as though trying to convince Lili more than himself.
"It doesn't now, does it?" Lili ponders aloud, obviously only just getting to wondering about the surly bronzerider's motives. "Hum." Emieth's impatient, though, and bumps her lifemate again sending her stumbling. No time for such ponderings! "Ok, ok," this to her dragonet. "Em says I'd better get to my swim before the rain comes again and wets my only dry towel. See you in a bit, hey?"
"Okay," K'tric agrees, nodding to Lili as she starts to go. "You just... Well. Be careful. See you later, Lili." He turns back to oil Kasvatuth a little more, though he glances back after Lili once or twice.
Lili switches her path towards the beach, apparently yearning for some salt with her swim instead of the freshwater lake. "I will! You too, don't be missin' any spots on Kasvatuth's hide, hey?" She giggles, and scarpers off at a skipping pace, Emieth darting off behind her bond.