
Oct 06, 2009 11:20

Name: Stephen

Personal LJ: ddrwakalaka

Contact Info: AIM: ddrwakalaka

Character Name: Hunter (Choose a last name!)

Character Series: Left 4 Dead (Original Character)

Character Age: Birthday on December 5th 1988. It's 2008 in his world.

Background: Before the zombie apocalypse, "Hunter" was your average young adult. He worked a boring job (bagging groceries), attended high school (doing a victory lap for better credits), and lived at home with his parents. But he was the star of the track team, so life was pretty cool. He was a fast runner. He'd even been offered a few scholarships because of it, and he was planning to go to college to help out the family. Life was pretty good, in all honesty.

But then the infected came. Running home from school in his track outfit (a hoodie and sweatpants with duct tape added to be stylish), he was chased by the infected. Luckily, he escaped. At first, there were only a few, so "Hunter" stayed at home, stockpiling food, drinks, and weapons. He hadn't a clue where his parents were, but he assumed that they had become one of the infected. There weren't so many infected, so he fought them off. But then more came. And more. And more. Eventually, there was a small mob had taken over the city. There was nothing that could be done. In his last few minutes, "Hunter" tried his best to fight off the infected... but to no avail. He lost, blacking out.

Once he awoke, he realized that he wasn't quite human anymore. He watched in horror as his fingers grew into horrible claws, his teeth elongating into sharp fangs, and his chest felt as if it were contorting and writhing within him. It hurt more than anything he had ever experienced. He screamed and yelled, wishing for death, since the pain was so bad. But there was nothing to be done.

Once his transformation was complete, he stumbled outside, staring out at the ruined city. However, he began to hear gunfire coming from somewhere nearby. He ran towards the scene, not realizing how fast he was. There were people there, trying to fight off the infected.

And then he had a mean thought. If they were still alive, why couldn't he be? It wasn't fair.

So he jumped onto one of the humans, then began to tear them to pieces, biting and ripping. Once he was done, he was covered in blood, and his stomach was full. It felt good. The other survivors were screaming and pointing at him, shouting, “Hunter! It's a Hunter!” He decided to take that as his name, seeing it fitting. And with that, he went on to slay the other survivors

He remained in the city for a month or two, losing his humanity slowly. Nothing was going right for him anymore. He simply continued to wander the streets, looking for more food, occasionally having to eat a dead body or two. This is what he's been doing ever since.

Personality: Hunter is somewhat of an asshole. He cracks mean jokes, he's egotistical, he talks down to people, and is generally abrasive to others. For example, he'll approach some one, taunting them while trying to get his point across, whatever it may be. However, if the person he's speaking to isn't human - or isn't human anymore - he'll be a little bit less rude. If he spoke to another infected or something else, like a transformer, for example, he'd tend to be a little less rude. He's cocky, and acts like he's better than everyone else.

However, the reason he's so abrasive to the 'living' is due to the fact that he is not. He wishes to be one of them again, but never will be. And while he generally eats human flesh, he can eat the meat of something else in a pinch. On that note, the flesh he eats can belong to a living or dead being. Though he doesn't admit it, he dislikes killing, but he knows that it's necessary for his survival.

If someone manages to befriend Hunter, his truer colours can be seen. Inside, he's constantly fighting his inner demons to try to stay 'sane' to a degree. He also worries that he will eventually lose control of himself and turn into a complete monster. While he can be crude and rude, he sometimes has little ways of being somewhat nice to people who are nice to him.

Hunter's secret wish is to find someone for himself. He consciously suppresses that wish, only because he believes it will not happen, due to his current state. This is what also causes him to be reluctant to even make friends with people, since he believes that infected and living cannot co-exist.

Since he's usually causing fear, Hunter doesn't fear much. But the things he does fear terrify him. His biggest fear is having his mind eventually deteriorate into a state where he is no longer in control. Hunter's other minor fears include fire, explosives, and large bodies of water, as he cannot swim and fire is painful.

For fun, Hunter likes to run around and/or chase things. Since he's a quick runner even without the infection, he takes great pride in his ability to run.

Due to his mutation, he's forgotten a large amount of his previous life, such as his parents, his real name, where he lived, what his school was... The majority of things.

Abilities: Increased lower body strength, ability to pounce and jump long distances, ability to scale small buildings, enhanced lung capacity, enhanced oxygen intake, running ability from pre-infection.

Sample Entry:
Here's one, and here's two.

!app, !ooc

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