I don't feel like trying to link my thoughts together in a nice coherent post, so I'm just going to do bullet point things. You're lucky you're getting that much!
* Christmas was cool, I got lots of neat stuff (including, but not limited to,
The Magic Bullet, Gears of War, Guitar Hero 2, various kitchen supplies, and a fondue pot shaped like a Hershey Kiss.
* New Years was equally cool, as Lauren was in town and we got to hang out with some of my friends. I think everybody had a good time... I know I did!
* I went on a cruise and it was AWESOME! It wasn't your typical cruise, but a music cruise instead. The headliners were my favorite band, the Barenaked Ladies. Also on the cruise was Guster, The New Odds, and some others. We spent two full days at sea and most of a day at the island of Turks & Caicos. I walked on the ocean floor (about 10-15 ft underwater) with a giant clear bowl over my head. Good times.
Pictures can be found at on
Flickr, but be warned, they're listed in reverse order. That's what I get for using the Flickr uploader. Ah well. The people who put on the cruise (as well as BNL) have already announced that they'll be doing it again next year. I really hope I get to go (and that Lauren can come with me this time), but we'll have to see how things go.
* I'm 24 now. Yup, Happy Birthday to me! Mom came to visit and spent the weekend here, which was fun. The big presents I got for my birthday were a surround sound system (yay 5.1!) and Bully (PS2). That, and my mom hiding presents in my apartment while I was at work trying to make me think I was crazy.
* Did I mention that I bought myself an HDTV? Because I did. The
LG 32LC2D is great! It really does seem to be the best HDTV in its size/price range. And since it includes a Qam tuner, I can pick up on unencrypted digital cable signals in my area. What's really cool about that is that I get all my local channels in high definition without having to pay extra. This pleases me greatly.
* Work is crazy, as usual. I've noticed that I've been taking on a lot more responsibility lately, and I REALLY hope that's taken into account when I have my next review. Which was supposed to be the week I was on my cruise, but had to be pushed back... and is still being pushed back. Hopefully it will happen next week. And hopefully I get a raise.
* As mentioned above, I have a lot of new games to play. In addition to the ones I received for Christmas, I bought myself Final Fantasy 12 and Wario Ware Smooth Moves, and I've had Rayman Raving Rabbids since I got my Wii. And I now have Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda (NES) and Link to the Past (SNES) on my virtual console.
What this means is that I have the following games to play:
Xbox 360
Gears of War
Final Fantasy 12
Guitar Hero 2
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Wario Ware Smooth Moves
Super Mario 64
Legend of Zelda
Link to the Past
I just finished Gears of War today (the ending is hard!) and I've moved on to Raving Rabbids. The game is just a collection of minigames, but in order to get full multiplayer enjoyment out of it, I need to unlock all the games in the "campaign" mode. So that's what I'm doing. I'm maybe halfway through FF12, but I probably won't seriously get back into that for a long time. I haven't been in much of an RPG mood lately.
Good thing the PC gaming scene is kinda crappy right now.
* Am I the only one who thinks the Ghost Rider movie actually looks pretty good? I'm really hoping for another Punisher here (everybody expected Punisher to be awful, but it ended up being one of the better comic book movies I'd seen). I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
That's about it for me tonight. That should hold all two of my readers over until the next time I decide to post something.