CANON: Getting harpooned and dragged towards the Flying Machine.
WHAT THEY LOST: Memories of what she was fighting for.
PERSONALITY: 7 is a brash, heroic, and impulsive stitchpunk. She lived in a world where danger was everywhere and the quicker and cleaner you dealt with it, the longer you survived. She is also caring and compassionate with her friends and family, and doesn't give a second thought about risking her life in order to save them. That being said, however, she walls herself off from others, even from those she cares about. That's not to say she doesn't emote, but she keeps the deeper, less pragmatic emotions from the surface. Conversely, she's never expecting and is surprised by displays of affection from others. Over time, however, she does open up to those she trusts.
She's adaptable, quick, and clever. Her mind seems to always be working to effect the most fluid actions with the least wasted movements. Everything she does, she does with purpose. She's a warrior, a tracker, and a hunter. She analyzes her enemies in order to anticipate their movements and seek out their weak points. She's fond of 'sneak attacks' and catching the enemy unawares and off-guard. If that fails, however, she's not above making a head on attack.
She would treat a world like Paradisa with wariness, and though it might take her some time to warm up to the other residents, she'll certainly waste no time in following and observing them, and in general making intimate notes about her new situation, dwellings, and fellow residents. Whatever friends she may make will be friends for life, and whatever enemies she makes will find they have a hard time proving otherwise.
THIRD-PERSON WRITING SAMPLE: It was like Waking again, for the first time, except this time the room 7 found herself in was intact, clean, and without debris. Wind did not whistle through cracks in the walls. Bombs did not screech, people did not scream, machines did not grind and clang, moaning in their metallic skins.
There was noise, however, and as 7's shuttered eyes widened and adjusted to the light from a window, she heard many voices. They weren't speaking as in conversation, but talking over each other, seemingly unconnected and unconcerned.
She stood, keeping her movements compact as she quickly looked about and surveyed the room in detail; she was on a bed opposite a window. There was a door to her left. Along the right wall was a desk with a chair, and opened on its' surface was a journal, that's where the voices seemed to be coming from. There were candles in wall sconces, but they were unlit. Her bird-skull mask and litter-made lance were nearby, and she equipped herself with practice, before leaping off the bed, sprinting across the room, and using her lance to vault herself to the chair. From there she leapt and grabbed the edge of the desk and expertly pulled herself to the surface.
There, she paused for a fraction of a moment. The voices from the journal were louder now, but nothing seemed to react to her movements or her presence; she would allow herself to assume she was safe for the moment, but held her lance close and kept alert, just in case.
She approached the journal.
FIRST-PERSON WRITING SAMPLE: This is not the world I knew. It is alive, where mine was dieing, noisy where mine was silent. People walk the halls, and none of them seem to be dressed alike. They seem ambivalent to my presence, but to assume they are decidedly not dangerous would be a grave mistake; I saw what they could do to the Machines in my world. I will assume they are dangerous until proven otherwise; that's how one survives.
I have not found any others of my kind, yet, but have noticed a great variety in the attitudes of the people and creatures that do reside here. I wish I had 3 and 4's cataloging skills; it would be handy to know just what I was dealing with! Also, it's too bad 5's not here to make some maps. Buildings are so much easier to traverse when they're not so closed off and … intact. I've lost myself more than once trying to scout the area. This place is immense. I wonder if I could rig up a pully system without anyone noticing? I'll probably have a hard time without the help of 5 and 2, but it's worth a try.
In our world, I had utilized my friends' skills when I could, but I had also learned to survive without them. I guess I'll just have to manage on my own, for the time being. Hopefully I won't get any hard-to-reach wounds; I don't know how I would have patched my back up if 2 hadn't been there!
7's Wiki Page