Friends Only!

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Comments 48

leloo September 9 2007, 00:35:31 UTC
Hey Bre *waves*

Wanna be LJ buddies?


bre2004 September 9 2007, 03:25:53 UTC
*waves back!*

Hecka yes, babe. *added* :P


leloo September 9 2007, 04:37:13 UTC


morgandawn September 10 2007, 20:43:34 UTC
what's your policy on fellow fans using your wallpapers or icons? with credit? any restrictions?


bre2004 September 12 2007, 04:58:00 UTC
It depends how you plan to use them. Personal use is fine (desktop, LJ icons with credit), but displaying them in a gallery requires a URL and permission. :D


morgandawn September 12 2007, 05:17:51 UTC
thanks. I'd like to use one for the back cover of a fanzine that is being made to benefit Sweet Charity. It will be a limited copy (aka one copy) and all proceeds will go to charity. More here

The wallpaper is "'Who Are You?"

If that is OK, please let us know. And let me know if you need more info about the charity.


bre2004 September 13 2007, 06:21:49 UTC
Thank you for the offer, but I'm going to refuse. I want to remain completely non-profit, regardless of the cause, but thank you very much, I'm honored. :D


whatnow73 October 23 2007, 12:41:22 UTC
This is random but I LOVE that Sex On Legs icon you got there. :D


tinka023 July 4 2008, 23:39:47 UTC
hey Bre, like to friend me? ive looked around your page, we seem to have things in common, also love the fiction its how i found you


lizaboo2 July 17 2008, 03:49:34 UTC
hi! i've looked at/read some of you're stuff, i really like it and it seems like we have a lot in common. would you friend me?


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