ShinySilver123: we dont have to have a conscience to live
ShinySilver123: fucking internet
Albino Rh1n0: Your argument is that we all have one though
ShinySilver123: dont have to read the consicence
ShinySilver123: *
ShinySilver123: i know i mispelt cause of my kick
ShinySilver123: fucking internet
Albino Rh1n0: But your anaogly is that the TV nesscesitates the exostance of the manual
ShinySilver123: they simply come together
ShinySilver123: if you wish to understand your tv better and how to run it properly
ShinySilver123: you read the manual
ShinySilver123: throwing tv in tub full of water
Albino Rh1n0: But they do not prove the existance of each other.
ShinySilver123: not good idea
ShinySilver123: how do i originally figure this out?
ShinySilver123: the manual
ShinySilver123: altho its common sense
ShinySilver123: it originated from somewhere
ShinySilver123: and thats in the manual
Albino Rh1n0: But if they make a tv that can be thrown safely in water
Albino Rh1n0: They dont have to make a manual for it.
ShinySilver123: exactly
Albino Rh1n0: They don't ever have to let anyone know
ShinySilver123: that in a sense is free will
Albino Rh1n0: Free will is not having a manual?
ShinySilver123: he let us fuck up
ShinySilver123: free will is not having safety scizors
ShinySilver123: we arent robots
ShinySilver123: we can fuck up
Albino Rh1n0: A consciencse is a socially and evolutionarily evolved idea
ShinySilver123: incorrect
ShinySilver123: cause it all came from somewhere
Albino Rh1n0: You are not born knowing not to kill.
ShinySilver123: and it cant be explained
Albino Rh1n0: Right, so GOD is an explanation
ShinySilver123: yet the idea not to kill ppl came from somewhere
Albino Rh1n0: And that makes it just as invalid
ShinySilver123: the idea that thought eventually at some point came from a specific source?
Albino Rh1n0: Existance begets existance
Albino Rh1n0: Ergo Cogo Sum
Albino Rh1n0: If anything exists, everything exists.
ShinySilver123: you still cant say that if we didnt exist god wouldnt exist
ShinySilver123: because he created existance
ShinySilver123: therfor outside realm
Albino Rh1n0: But only because we exist
Albino Rh1n0: Does he exist
ShinySilver123: if i create an OS for a computer. if the OS dies, im fine
Albino Rh1n0: Without us he would simply be everything, which is at the same time nothing
ShinySilver123: we cannot understand the realm in which he lives
ShinySilver123: i dont cease to exist if my computer breaks
ShinySilver123: i get upset
ShinySilver123: lol
Albino Rh1n0: Then we cannot understand anything in that realm
Albino Rh1n0: You cannot know God unless god is explainable
Albino Rh1n0: And if god is explainable
Albino Rh1n0: Then he doesn't exist.
ShinySilver123: aye god isnt explainable
ShinySilver123: the bible doesnt explain god
ShinySilver123: it explains what he does
Albino Rh1n0: Then your interpretation
Albino Rh1n0: Is no better than anyone's.
ShinySilver123: no one would ever dare explain god
Albino Rh1n0: Because they can't.
ShinySilver123: exactly, it would also be blasphemy
ShinySilver123: explaining god using human words
Albino Rh1n0: If god exists in a world where there is one finite right then it is not the one we live in.
ShinySilver123: i dont live in the computer
ShinySilver123: i can still effect it
Albino Rh1n0: Sure, but inside the computer, once it is on, anything
you do to affect it is totally out of it's realm to do without your
Albino Rh1n0: God cannot be explained
Albino Rh1n0: Or whatever it is that we call God
ShinySilver123: but if you explain it like a computer
Albino Rh1n0: So to pretend we know what it itends us to do
ShinySilver123: you also have to explain it with programs
ShinySilver123: which obviously run somewhat differently than a computer
Albino Rh1n0: intends*
ShinySilver123: such as evolution
Albino Rh1n0: somewhat
ShinySilver123: running the program evolution perhaps god plays a hand in how it works
ShinySilver123: but he probably just lets shit happen
ShinySilver123: free will and all that jaz
ShinySilver123: so in the analogy i would have a program that ran automatically on my computer
Albino Rh1n0: If anything like god exists, it cannot do anything to us once we have our own thoughts
ShinySilver123: and that i tecnically didnt have to do anything to it
Albino Rh1n0: Because we create out own existence
ShinySilver123: he can influence
Albino Rh1n0: so god said here you go now It's out of my hands
ShinySilver123: just as the said Devil could influence
Albino Rh1n0: That would imply
ShinySilver123: the earth is technically out of his hands. its said so in the bible
Albino Rh1n0: That the same existence
Albino Rh1n0: houses 2 beings
ShinySilver123: we dont see god again until we die
Albino Rh1n0: If that alternare plane has two different views
Albino Rh1n0: Then neither are valid, once again
ShinySilver123: you cant say that the devil and god are on the same plane
ShinySilver123: the devil was cast down
ShinySilver123: as terms of planes
ShinySilver123: i cant tell where
ShinySilver123: for i dont know these realms
Albino Rh1n0: Then the devil is in our world
ShinySilver123: WHERE god cast satan i cant tell
Albino Rh1n0: And nothing he does matters any more than what you do
ShinySilver123: as it is written the devil is closer to our world than God is
ShinySilver123: hence he has more influence
Albino Rh1n0: I need to go to bed
Albino Rh1n0: But religion is self-defeating
ShinySilver123: lol
ShinySilver123: if you say so
ShinySilver123: i dont really care <.<
ShinySilver123: id rather not go to hell
ShinySilver123: -shrugs-
Albino Rh1n0: But it's no different than anything else, lol
ShinySilver123: lol hell versus heaven
ShinySilver123: id take heaven
Albino Rh1n0: Because religion is just some wisp
ShinySilver123: you can say that
Albino Rh1n0: of hope that somewhere something bigger exists
ShinySilver123: but being wrong hurts you alot more than it hurts me
Albino Rh1n0: And if we can't comprehend it, then we don't comprehend it.
ShinySilver123: lol
ShinySilver123: if im wrong i die and nothing matters
ShinySilver123: if your wrong you go to hell
ShinySilver123: ill take my road
Albino Rh1n0: And therefore none of what we do has any effect on how we do things there
Albino Rh1n0: Your road is made by fear of punishment
ShinySilver123: no
ShinySilver123: its by reading my conscience
Albino Rh1n0: And if anything I would say that fear of hell is weak.
ShinySilver123: i just use hell to put it into lamens terms
ShinySilver123: to help the idiots understand that hey if you dont chin up your gonna get fucked in the ass
ShinySilver123: so get fuckin movin
ShinySilver123: to me its second hand nature
ShinySilver123: to read my conscience
ShinySilver123: and understand my morals
Albino Rh1n0: But if other people have other ideas
ShinySilver123: i do whats right because its right
ShinySilver123: not because im scared of doing wrong
Albino Rh1n0: Then theirs are just as correct.
ShinySilver123: ideas are different than morals
ShinySilver123: on a different plane
Albino Rh1n0: Morals are just ideas.
ShinySilver123: -shakes head- ideas can change
Albino Rh1n0: So can morals.
ShinySilver123: they cant
Albino Rh1n0: Maybe not for you
ShinySilver123: they can bend but they are always the same
ShinySilver123: they are always the same moral
ShinySilver123: ideas can be destroyed
ShinySilver123: rent from teh world
ShinySilver123: they are objects of the mind
ShinySilver123: morals are objects of the heart
Albino Rh1n0: Not true, people who believe in stem cell research
Albino Rh1n0: Can change their mind
Albino Rh1n0: A moral descision
ShinySilver123: its not a moral decision to change your MIND
Albino Rh1n0: Once again, you are purporting one truth somewhere
Albino Rh1n0: That somewhere ONE set of morals is correcty
ShinySilver123: you can eventually ignore your morals if you heap enuf shit on top of them
Albino Rh1n0: And that seems stupid.
ShinySilver123: its choice
ShinySilver123: your only choice
ShinySilver123: ignore or listen
Albino Rh1n0: Morals are subjective, because different people have different ones
ShinySilver123: and ignoring is always harder
Albino Rh1n0: I.E. to kill or not kill babies
Albino Rh1n0: Moral
ShinySilver123: they arent ian -shrugs-
Albino Rh1n0: But can be changed
ShinySilver123: morals cant be changed
ShinySilver123: love cant be changed
ShinySilver123: these things you feel are subjective
ShinySilver123: are lies
Albino Rh1n0: But morals DO get changed
Albino Rh1n0: It happens
ShinySilver123: they dont
Albino Rh1n0: Nobody ever decided it was okay to kill someone, when before they though it wasn't?
Albino Rh1n0: Bullshot
Albino Rh1n0: Shit*
ShinySilver123: it is moral to protect your family
ShinySilver123: it is not moral to kill your family
Albino Rh1n0: Changing wether or not stem cells should be researched on
Albino Rh1n0: Is a moral
Albino Rh1n0: Kill or not kill
ShinySilver123: i dont even know what stem research is so i cant even tell you if it has anythign to do with morals
Albino Rh1n0: And you can change your mind
Albino Rh1n0: But if they aren't law
Albino Rh1n0: Then they are subjective
ShinySilver123: law is social and human
ShinySilver123: and can change
ShinySilver123: morals are matter of the soul
ShinySilver123: and much deeper than that
Albino Rh1n0: Right so tell me
Albino Rh1n0: Is stem cell research being against killing not a moral?
ShinySilver123: explain to me what it is
Albino Rh1n0: Killing a potential person
ShinySilver123: you keep bring it up and i keep going lol what is that
Albino Rh1n0: AT an embryo stage
Albino Rh1n0: To use their cells to create cures and research to cure diseases
Albino Rh1n0: It kills the potential person
Albino Rh1n0: But isn't a person per se when it dies
ShinySilver123: so you fuck a woman to make her barely pregnant then cut her open and take the egg?
Albino Rh1n0: So it's a choice of killing being okay or not
Albino Rh1n0: and it is possible to change your mind on that subject
Albino Rh1n0: And not "Oh well I think this is okay but i KNOW deep
down it's not" people legitimately completely change their view on it
Albino Rh1n0: Which means they changed their moral
Albino Rh1n0: Perhaps based on the situation
ShinySilver123: you dont change moral ian
ShinySilver123: you ignore it
Albino Rh1n0: But if the situation can change it
ShinySilver123: i dunno about that situation but the only way you can turn your back on morality and not flinch
ShinySilver123: is if youve covered it with so much filth
ShinySilver123: that you cant see it nemore
Albino Rh1n0: So there is one right way to think?
ShinySilver123: such as this would be to be relying completely and only on your mind
ShinySilver123: alienating yourself from your soul
ShinySilver123: in this way i feel earns you purgatory
Albino Rh1n0: One way to think?
Albino Rh1n0: Only one?
ShinySilver123: thinking is of the mind
ShinySilver123: morality is of the soul
Albino Rh1n0: Yeah so only one set of morals?
Albino Rh1n0: One
Albino Rh1n0: ?
ShinySilver123: yes one
Albino Rh1n0: That's ludacris.
ShinySilver123: -shrugs-
Albino Rh1n0: Becuase morals are not just THERE
ShinySilver123: so is believing it doesnt exist
ShinySilver123: they are just there
ShinySilver123: i know from first hand experience
Albino Rh1n0: How?
ShinySilver123: my morals have always been at heart
ShinySilver123: and i know for a fact when i was younger
Albino Rh1n0: Okay so let me ask you this
ShinySilver123: they were easier to access
Albino Rh1n0: Is it okay to kill?
ShinySilver123: no
Albino Rh1n0: To protect family?
ShinySilver123: not just killing
ShinySilver123: protection is morally sound
Albino Rh1n0: Then killing is morally sound
ShinySilver123: my consciounse would not chime even a bit if i were to kill in protection of my family
Albino Rh1n0: Because either way the outcome is the same
ShinySilver123: you cant put it into words ian
ShinySilver123: it doesnt work
Albino Rh1n0: Someone is dead either way
ShinySilver123: thats why its not law
ShinySilver123: thats why human law is errored
ShinySilver123: because you cant put morality into a book
ShinySilver123: you cant put into text
Albino Rh1n0: If it isn't law, it's not absolute
ShinySilver123: law is not absolute
ShinySilver123: law changes
ShinySilver123: law is human made
Albino Rh1n0: If it isn't absolute, it can be changed.
ShinySilver123: ian
ShinySilver123: go to bed
ShinySilver123: your obviously an idiot
ShinySilver123: just go to bed
Albino Rh1n0: Your main flaw is your retarded faith in this one moral
code everybody has to have just because you think yours will save you
from the shittyness of life. You cannot know god and therefore your
morals mean shit becuase you make them yourself.