Jul 04, 2008 17:23

Only now has the dull throb faded away and I can actually move without feeling like my knee is ten times larger than it should be and pulsating. If I hadn't read all the texts on knee injuries and the therapy required I would start to severely doubt that the Healers are doing anything except gaining enjoyment out of my suffering! It's a bit humbling to realise that despite all the advantages magic brings us, with injuries caused by magic or magical objects, we still suffer as much as Muggles do. The Healers did offer me a more potent pain relieving potion but it's the one that makes my brain feel like treacle so I declined.

Maybe I should take time off after appointments... but then I would just go stir crazy.


Thank you for your invitation to your party. Unfortunately I couldn't make it as my bloody knee hurt like.. I was unwell. I do have a present and will send it round as soon as possible.


(Updated) To Do list:

Buy food (need to stock up on tea!)
Post grandmother's birthday present
Pick up files from work Return completed files and pick up sections 30-59
Review edits to training manual
Write letter to parents
Get a wedding present for Ron and Hermione
Find an outfit to wear for the wedding (!!!)
Plan next week's menu (Flatmates: any preferences?)
Send apologies to Demelza
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