Party!!!, Purposefully Creepy Mansion, Thursday Evening

Oct 31, 2013 15:06

Decorating the mansion had been an... interesting endevor. Which was a nice way of saying Mike's and April's ideas of appropriate Halloween decor hadn't exactly always meshed. Still, they'd found a workable kind of middle ground. There were plenty of Jack O'Lanterns outside (thanks, Derek and friends) lighting the way to the house in the candy rain, with some of their comrades also hanging out indoors because seriously, it was kind of an overabundance of pumpkins, but luckily Mike liked it that way. April, on the other hand, had insisted on getting creepy with things, which meant that in addition to the basic bat cutouts and glow-in-the-dark skulls and ghost balloons and stuff, there were life-sized skeletons hanging out in moddable inappropriate and unexpected places, like by the bathroom sink and under the snack table. And severed fake fingers between the couch cushions. And one of those plastic severed heads that didn't look all that convincing up-close, but would still scare the crap out of you when you first saw it staring at you through the window. Which it was doing.

There was also a bloody goblin in the fridge and yes, Mike had screamed like a girl upon finding this out. (Most of the girls on the island probably wouldn't have screamed at it, so it was more of a voice-pitch than a gender thing, really.) But at least the house hadn't been sprayed with anything to make it smell like blood. Nor were they going to try and convince partygoers they'd actually murdered someone. (April, you weirdo.) And there were plenty of normal-looking snacks and beverages next to the stuff like the super weird-looking candy with the sign that said EYEBALLS (REALLY) (and then NOT REAL EYEBALLS in Mike's handwriting), and the bowl of punch with an empty bottle of poison next to it.

The mansion was decorated and ready for a party.


what: party!, where: the house

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