Title: Opposites
Pairing: Kairi/Olette, Larxene/Kairi
Summary: And then there were two. Written for prompt #3 Peace & War at
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.
Day and Night. Sun and Moon. Peace and War. Light and Dark. Complete opposites. And Kairi is always the go-between.
Day. Sea salt ice-cream drips onto her fingers, melting in the hot summer sun. She laughs, and she kisses Olette sweetly on the clocktower.
Night. Coffee spills over the dirt, brown mingling with brown as the moon shines her gaze. She feels the rough, grainy stone press against her as Larxene pushes her to the wall of a nameless alley, and kisses her roughly.
Peace. She and Olette walk along the shore of the beach, chatting and laughing and sharing countless cones. They smile at each other, and it is so bright, that Kairi doesn't know if she can take it.
War. The sand scrapes against her back, and nails dig into arms and backs, clawing and scraping as they push and pull at each other. And the intent in their eyes is so dark, that Kairi fears it.
Day. Night. Sun. Moon. Peace. War. Light. Dark. Complete opposites, and yet--
Kairi knows she can't live without them.