Title: Wanting
Pairing: Riku/Kairi, onesided Sora/Kairi & onesided Riku/Sora
Summary: They both want it. Written for prompt #7 Sky at
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.
They both want the sky, Kairi knows. They both reach for it, yearn for it, desire it with all of their being, yet it is always just out of their reach, just slipping away from their fingertips.
For the sky belongs to everyone, from humans to mice to Beasts, to every world that exists. Not one, single person can have it. They can try as they might, fight for it with all that they are, but they will never succeed. They will never reach him.
They both want the sky, Kairi knows, but while they wait, the earth and sea must content themselves with each other.