Title: Fractured
Pairing: Seifer/Olette, Roxas/Olette
Summary: She waited for someone who she knew would never come. For prompt #5 Fractured Fairytale at the agents community.
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.
She waited for her prince to come.
She was always too practical for fairytales, too focused on the real world. Then one summer everything changed and she was left waiting.
He had blueblue eyes, she knew. And he was her friend- no, her prince.
But he never existed. The photo she was sure he was in has her, Hayner, Pence- and no one else. No missing prince.
So she waited, on an irrational feeling in her heart.
"Sorry, Hayner," she said one summer. "I can't."
They didn't understand, couldn't. They didn't remember a boy with blueblue eyes who was their friend- her prince. They weren't part of the fairytale.
She waited for him on Sunset Hill that day, and just watched as the sun went down.
"Who are you waiting for, princess?"he asked somewhat sharply, and she stiffened. She hadn't heard him walking up.
"Someone nobody remembers," she said softly, and looked into his blue eyes. Not blueblue, just blue.
She was afraid, but wasn't at the same time. It was the wrong fairytale he was in- he was the Big Bad Wolf, but she wasn't Little Red Riding Hood.
But he was from a fairytale, and so she stood on her tippy-toes and kissed him
Because maybe her prince won't come riding up. Because maybe Little Red Riding Hood won't go walking down to Granny's house. Because their fairytales were broken, and maybe if they smushed the pieces together they'd have something close to whole.
He kissed her, and closed his eyes that were only blue.