Title: Christmas in the Attic
Pairing: Paul/Dawn
Summary: "Admitting that something is pretty isn't going to make you weak, you know." Paul, Dawn, and an attic.
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon.
Notes: I wrote this last December, and meant to post it then. I didn't feel like waiting until next Christmas to do so, so here it is. Cross posted to
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Christmas in the AtticDawn pushed up the door, coughing and spluttering as dust rained down on her. "Reggie really needs to clean his attic more often," she muttered, her eyes taking in the mounds of dust and clutter as she crawled into the said room.
She stood- or, at least, she stood as well as she could with such a low roof- and dusted off her clothing.
"I thought I'd find you up here," she said, directing her attention to a certain Pokemon trainer sitting on the windowsill. "Afraid Reggie is going to rope you into helping with cooking duty?"
"If I were afraid of that, I would have found a better hiding place."
She laughed as she picked her way through the piles of junk to reach him. "Somewhere I wouldn't find you in less then five minutes, you mean?" she teased.
He scoffed at that that, but didn't correct her.
She carefully set herself down on the sill across from him, glad that at least here it seemed to be dust free. She turned her gaze to the view outside the window, smiling as she did so. Outside, snow fell, blanketing the surrounding area.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" she asked.
Dawn rolled her eyes. "How did someone like you end up with someone like me?" she asked wryly, glancing over at him. "Sheesh. Admitting that something is pretty isn't going to make you weak, you know." A sly look entered her eyes as she continued. "I mean, it wouldn't hurt for you to maybe tell me that I'm pretty every once in a while."
Paul made a disgruntled sound. "You already know what I think, stupid girl."
"Calling me by my name every once in a while wouldn't hurt either," she continued on, acting as if she had never heard him.
"Well, you're overly affectionate," he retorted.
She giggled, leaning over to peck him on the cheek. "I know you're not really complaining about that one," she said with a cheeky grin.
"Nor are you- stupid girl."
She gaped at him. "H-hey!" she protested. "No fair! No calling me that right after I tell you not to! You're breaking the rules!"
"I wasn't aware that there were any." He folded his arms together, looking smug.
"You- well, there are!" she spluttered.
"You're turning red," he pointed out.
He chuckled. "You get mad far too easily."
"Hey! I didn't see you being all that calm when you were setting up the tree earlier. In fact, you were having quite a bit of trouble with that," Dawn said, looking rather triumphant.
"I'm a Pokemon trainer, not a carpenter."
"You hardly need to be a carpenter to set up one little tree."
"Well, for a coordinator, you were having quite a bit of trouble when you were decorating it."
"H-hey! Cheap shot! That was only because you didn't buy ornaments that went well together!"
"Shouldn't you be able to work with the materials you were given?"
"Jerk! Serves you right if Santa-Deli doesn't bring you anything this year!"
"Hey! Don't smirk at me! ...And what did you mean by that?"
"Exactly what I said. 'Santa-Deli'? Please. You can't still think a Delibird gives everyone in the world Christmas presents."
"Of course not! But it's nice to pretend. Sheesh! Don't you have a festive bone in your body?" Dawn crossed her arms, huffing.
"You have enough for both of us. More then enough, even."
She flushed, suddenly hurt. She knew that he was just giving as good as he got, that neither of them were really being serious, but- that hurt. A lot. To her horror, she realized that tears were threatening to fall. "W-well, if I'm so 'childish' and 'overemotional', then why are you even here with me!" she blurted out.
Paul rolled his eyes. "Stupid," he said, leaning over and kissing her briefly. As he drew back, he finished, "You know why."
Dawn hiccupped, wiping her tears away, feeling a little silly. "You know," she said, smiling weakly, "You need to learn to express your feelings more."
"Yeah." She hiccupped again, then brightly smiled up at him.
"You recover fast."
"But," she continued on as if he had never spoken, "You know, I wouldn't have you any other way."
Paul looked away. "I think I hear Reggie calling us." He stood, then turned and held out his hand.
Dawn smiled, and let him pull her up. She squeezed his hand, once, and directed her smile up at him.
"Then we should get going before the food gets cold!"