Title: Reassurances
Pairing(s): Grovyle/Hero, blink-and-you'll-miss-it Dusknoir/Hero
Summary: A brief coversation between Dusknoir and the hero.
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or the Mystery Dungeon games.
Notes: Spoilers, obviously. When I was playing Explorers of the Sky, I couldn't help but think how ironic it is when you talk to Dusknoir before heading to the Northern Desert.
He stood there, arms crossed imperiously, watching the Pokemon of the guild rush around in a flurry of preparations. As each team finished, they left the guild, each heading to the locations he had given them like puppets on a string. He hid a smile at the thought.
Soon, the guild was nearly empty, only a handful of Pokemon left. There was Wigglytuff and that foolish Chatot and that odd Croagunk and-
Something caught his eye, then, and he stiffened, then relaxed. It was all he could do to keep from attacking. Not yet, he reminded himself.
It was her.
That blasted human, the one that had always stuck by Grovyle like a thorn. But she doesn't remember that, he reminded himself. She's a Pokemon now, with no memory of our future.
"I thought you had left for the Northern Desert already," he said instead.
"No." She stared up at him for a moment, unnerving him. That girl had always had the oddest look in her eyes, and he could never tell what she was thinking. It was easier with Grovyle. He never spent his time lost in thought. He was blunt, telling Dusknoir exactly what he thought of him and his master with that angry glare of his.
She didn't.
"Will we catch Grovyle?" Her expression was blank, as far as he could tell. He couldn't read it- what did she think of that? Was she remembering even the tiniest bit of her former life?
He was over thinking this. He knew he was.
"Don't worry," he said, and thought it odd that he was reassuring her of all people. "We'll catch him." Something struck him as off, and he tilted his head. "Where is your partner?" That naive Pokemon usually stuck closer to her then the former human had to Grovyle.
"She's getting Reviver Seeds from Kecleon. We're running low."
"Ah." She was so much like the person she had been before, minus that hatred she had of him. He couldn't quite believe that she wasn't faking this, wasn't just waiting for the perfect moment to strike him down.
But no. She had never been able to hide her hatred of him, even if she could hide all else. No matter how shielded her expressions were, it came out in her words, biting and sharp.
He had always enjoyed that, truth be told. It had been the only thing he had enjoyed from their encounters. She and Grovyle had been so close, true partners. They would have done anything for each other. They were like- color, color in that dark world, and he had hated it, hated how untouched they had seemed in his master's world. He wanted to tear them up, to destroy that bond, destroy everything that they stood for.
He found himself smiling. And now, he thought as she and her new partner joined up and left the guild, he could.