Title: still bleeding
Pairing: Rikash/Daine
Summary: Her grief spills out, thick and hot.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Tortall universe or any book of the Immortals quartet.
Notes: Spoilers for the end of the series. A follow-up to
this, as this was originally the ending to that one. But I really liked ending the other one where I did, so I fleshed this out a little more and here it is! The Pride & Prejudice reference was totally intentional. I just couldn't help myself.
still bleeding
One day, he dies.
Her grief spills out thick and hot like an open wound. It spills out in the screech of a hawk and the strike of a claw tearing through flesh. It pours out in hatred and anger and hands drenched with blood not her own. It pulses with sorrow and regret.
Until now, she's never known herself.
(And one day, her children will ask her if she's ever loved anyone other than their father. Her grief will pulse painfully, still bleeding fresh after all these years, and she will smile as she lies.)