Title: Susan's Note
Characters: Henchard, Elizabeth-Jane
Summary: One of the many turning points in the life of Michael Henchard, and how it could have all gone differently.
Disclaimer: I don't own The Mayor Of Casterbridge.
Notes: This is one of the most depressing books ever, hands down. I had to read it in my AP English 12 class this semester, and it pretty much broke my heart. I couldn't help but notice that there were tons of turning points where everything could have changed and didn't, and this drabble is my playing with one of those turning-points. I wrote this a few days after finishing the novel. It takes place right before Elizabeth-Jane leaves to go live with Lucetta.
Susan's Note
"By me?" she said, all concern. "What have I done?"
Henchard looked upon her for a moment, at that pleasant and pretty countenance that had once brought so much pleasure to him. He sighed, then, a hundred years aged. "I've something to show you. Wait here, and I'll bring it to 'ee."
She gave her consent to ten minutes, no more, and he made his way to his room and opened the drawer where he had thrown Susan's note with such anger. He looked upon this for some time. "She should know," he said, finally, and before the devil could overtake him once more he hurried back down to where Elizabeth-Jane waited.
"Do you remember the night when I told 'ee who your father was?" he asked. The girl nodded. The date was firmly entrenched in her mind, as it was the day his attitude towards her had much changed.
He continued, "When I went to find the documents I had promised you, I found this note from your mother, and it has been the cause of all my pain." Then he handed the note to her before he could change his mind, knowing that all his sins would soon be brought to light.
The girl took it, and read it through. Her face paled and grew wan as she read, and when she lifted her face up her fingers shook and her eyes grew wide.
"I don't understand," she said, and what little fight there was left in Henchard fled as he took it upon himself to explain the sad story of his life to his daughter that wasn't.