Title: Uncommon Dreams
Pairing: Rikash/Daine
Summary: For fourteen months after Ozorne's death, Daine dreamt but rarely, and even then they were only bits of colors and sounds. She didn't mind a bit, to be honest- Ganiel had sent her enough true dreams in the years since she came to Tortall to last her several lifetimes.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Tortall universe.
Notes: I wrote this around the time I wrote the two other drabbles I posted for this pairing. This was meant to be longer- I even began on the next section- but then I realize that continuing on wouldn't work for what I was going for with this story. So, here you go. I'm still fairly certain that I may be the only person in the world who actually ships these two, but that's alright. I'm actually kind of happy with this one, believe it or not.
Uncommon Dreams
For fourteen months after Ozorne's death, Daine dreamt but rarely, and even then they were only bits of colors and sounds. She didn't mind a bit, to be honest- Ganiel had sent her enough true dreams in the years since she came to Tortall to last her several lifetimes. Her life had never been entirely normal though, and when she found herself somewhere not-quite where she had been shortly after falling asleep, she wasn't much surprised.
"You look terrible," Rikash said pleasantly.
"Nice to see you haven't changed," Daine said, her tone crabby even as her lips curled into a smile. "Tell me, are you Rikash or just Ganiel shaped like him?" The dead could not visit the living, she knew, not unless they were a god. But the only dead she had known before were mortal, and Rikash had been anything but, when he still lived.
He let out a burst of sardonic laughter. "Forgotten me already, have you, Veralidaine Sarrasri?" he asked, green eyes gleaming.
Daine dropped the bow she hadn't even realized she was holding, took two quick steps forward, and carefully threw her arms around his neck, surprising even herself. He stiffened under her grasp, and she stepped back, coughing on the stench that no one, not even Ganiel himself, could imitate.
His feathers clacked together as he shifted, a dash of pink adding color to his cheeks. Amusement bubbled up within her, and she let it appear on her face with a smile, if only to distract herself from the other emotions that had begun to roil around inside of her.
"Why are you here?" she asked, breaking the short silence.
"I've heard that you spoke for Stormwings living in the mortal realm," he said. He paused and cleared his throat, looking a bit awkward. "Thank you," he said, stiffly, formally.
Daine regretted teasing him a moment before, if only because she was now the uncomfortable one. She blushed, and he laughed, more comfortable now that she was not.
"So," he said, conversationally. "What changed your mind? I thought you believed us Stormwings to be pure evil." His green eyes glittered, and she realized he was enjoying this.
She held her head up high despite the redness of her cheeks. "Wouldn't you like to know," she retorted. The edges of his form was becoming blurry, and she already couldn't see his expression anymore. He chuckled.
"Well," he said. "I can see that-"
Everything blurred together as she woke, head cushioned against her pack. It wasn't until one of the martens besides her nudged her that she lifted a hand to her face, and realized that it was streaked with tears.