
Apr 10, 2011 17:14


• When posting a new entry you must tag it appropriately. If a tag for the content you're posting does not yet exist, you can make a new one
• Be nice! No bashing, trolling, racism, flaming, etc. allowed
• Use proper spelling and punctuation. Of course we all make mistakes and there might be people here who don't have as good a grasp on the English language as native speakers, but just dOnT tAlK LiEk ThEeS pLz
• Don't post in all caps, this is considered shouting on the internet
• Affiliates are welcome, more information see here
• If you have a question, encounter a problem or need to contact me for another reason you can do so here


• Downloads or requests for downloads. This is illegal and will get us banned
• Introduction posts. While we are happy to have you here, no need for a new post to say hi, just jump into the discussion
• Gossip
• Spam
• Website/community promotions unless permission has been granted here


Fan art

• All fan art posted must be from Breaking In or related to its actors
• Anything larger than 400x400 pixels or anything spoilery must be put behind an lj-cut
• Don't link to a flocked entry or journal, or if you do at least leave the post public for a week and mention this in your post. If you fail to do so your entry in breakingintv will be deleted
• Don't make multiple fan art posts a day. Either wait until you're done and post all of it at once, or if you've already made a post for that day and don't want to edit it, save your new art and post it the next day
• If your art contains spoilers for a not yet aired episode or an episode that has aired less than three days ago your preview has to be spoilerfree and you have to put up a warning in the post itself

Fanfic & drabbles

• At this time all Breaking In related fics and drabbles are welcome.
• Use a header providing at least the following information: Title, rating, character(s) or pairing and a summary.


• All icons posted must be from Breaking In or its actors
• If you link to a multi-fandom post, only show previews of Breaking In related icons
• You can have up to three teasers (no spoilers), the rest has to go behind an lj-cut
• Don't link to a flocked entry or journal, or if you do at least leave the post public for a week and mention this in your post. If you fail to do so your entry in breakingintv will be deleted
• Don't post a single icon, but wait until you have a few more
• Don't make multiple icon posts a day. Either wait until you're done and post them all at once, or if you've already made a post for that day and don't want to edit it, save your new icons and post them the next day
• If your icons contain spoilers for a not yet aired episode or an episode that has aired less than three days ago your previews have to be spoilerfree and you have to put up a warning in the post itself


• Magazine scans, fan encounters with the actors, TV-appearances, news, interviews, etc. are very welcome. Keep spoilers and everything larger than 400x400 pixels behind an lj-cut
• If you use an online source for what you post, link back to it in your post


• Please place pictures larger than 400x400 pixels behind an lj-cut.
• If your picture(s) contains a spoiler it has to go behind a cut no matter the size. Also give a warning in the name of the cut
• Picspams of the show and actors are more than welcome, just post only one (or none) pictures outside the cut, not larger than 400x400 pixels in size


• A spoiler is a piece of information on an episode that has not yet aired on television. Spoilers are very welcome, however not everyone wants to know what's going to happen before it airs, so please put all spoilers behind an lj-cut
• Information on new episodes will be considered a spoiler until three days after the episode has aired in North America
• If you use an online source for what you post, link back to it in your post
• While this community has members from all continents we unfortunately can't guarantee to keep it spoilerfree for people from countries where Breaking In airs at later dates than in North America. Be aware of that fact before joining


• If you post more than 1 embedded video at a time please place them behind an lj-cut
• Links to downloads of episodes or requests for such are prohibited. Downloading is illegal and if we would provide it within the community we risk being banned


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// Rules are subject to change. If any big alterations will be made however I'll notify you guys through a new post in the community //

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