A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend.

Jan 29, 2008 18:45

An update so soon? Just killing the few minutes I have.

I need YOUR help. That's right. YOU. Click on the cut and let me know, please!

What you're looking at here is a screencap of my Speed Dial on Opera. I recently upgraded my computer from Vista Business to XP Pro (Yes. Upgraded.) so I had a clean Speed Dial to work with. I've filled up all but 1 spot. Numba 2. And that's where you come in.

What should I place under the second slot? If you give a good-enough argument, you can basically convince me to set it as just about anything (ceramic ponies? gay pr0n? etc...).

Remember, peoples. This is SERIOUS BUSINESS. CEREALLY.


Random picture of my bookshelf.

Would it surprise any of you if I said I was actually using 80%+ of the books there, just this semester?

opera, books

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