I can't stand them. When there were like a few it was okay, but now everything they put on T.V is a reality show. I want to know what asshole was sitting around and thought "Hmm, we have about 100 different reality shows, what should we make next? Oh I know! Another Fucking Reality Show
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Comments 5
I swear, whoever invented the reality dating genre needs to have the shows shoved up their asses.
*granted, the documentary/reality and scientific/reality shows kick ass... like Deadliest Catch and shit... although, i dont put those in the 'reality' category, they're just labeled that by television executives.
I also fine those shows like The Hills incredibly annoying too.
i hate most any reality show on tv. competitions and the like... 'life of' stuff. That shit is NOT reality! You want reality? Make a show of a 43 year old man working manual labor from daylight to dark, then STILL not having money for shit...
That's reality.
Or show someone sitting on their ass in an office all day doing boring shit... THAT is reality...
'Win so and so's heart' isn't reality!
Oh another thing that pisses me off is the people that are the stars of those dating shows. They go on national television and invite like 20 people into a house they don't actaully own claiming they're looking for true love, and have the nerve to cry and get all upset when they realize people are using them and it doesn't work out. I honestly hope these people do not really believe they will find true love on a reality show, or they have some seriously deep issues.
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