Title: Nigrum et Lux, part XIII
Author: breathless_dawn
Rating: PG
Characters: Roxas
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I am no king, therefore I own no Kingdom.
A/N: Well, I fudged a little on the word count here. Technically sixteen of them aren't mine, but I'm borrowing them without permission. Anyway, it's Roxas' turn. There's also some squinty Axel/Roxas herein, so heads up :)
It is pouring and Roxas is soaked to the bone. It’s all he can do not to look back.
You can’t turn on the Organisation!
But nothing here is real. The city bends at the edges, the shadows swirl at his heels, and the world is stuck in perpetual nighttime.
No one would miss me.
He needs to find answers, set things straight. Even if it means leaving them - him - behind.
That’s not true! I would…
But he can’t help but wonder how much more he’s going to lose.
So he makes a silent promise to Axel: he won’t forget.