Title: Ten Reasons Momoi Satsuki and Aomine Daiki Living Together is a Terrible Idea
Author: breathless_dawn
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Aomine Daiki, Momoi Satsuki, mentions of Touou team and Teiko team; Daiki/Satsuki.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, but I wish I did.
A/N: This is pure crack and is not meant to be taken seriously at all. I'm
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Comments 7
My day - made.
Like. Seriously. This is practically canon.
OMG. I can't stop adoring this. *tackle-glomps* You're so awesome. *-*
And the formatting? It's PERFECT. Being able to tell which are Satsuki's observations, and which are Daiki's. Ingenious!
This is practically canon.
I am pimping it on tumblr for the awesomeness that it is!
*adds to memories too*
*can't stop crying from happiness over the fact you wrote something with your flawless writing again, and it's not just anything, but a KuroBasu story, and a Daiki/Satsuki too* *crying forever in glee in the corner*
Ooh tumblr pimpage lol. I've been resisting getting a tumblr myself because I cannot afford another distraction, but I'd love to see yours xD
*tackle-glomps you right back*
I don't really spend that much time on it, except if I'm really bummed and don't feel like doing anything else. It does have great diversion qualities, though. xD here's a link to mine. I use it mostly for saving pics and reposting some of the more awesome ones. xD
*clings forever*
i totally love this the entire thing! but especially the ending with all of them making bets about them, pffft-- best thing ever! i seriously love it~ ♥ i like how you formatted it as well. (:
and awww at 10c. iii. (Plus, Aomine knows he’s an ass and he won’t put her through that. Because she’s Satsuki and she deserves better.)
that's so sweet of aomine to think that way but he still needs to stop messing around, get off his ass, and start courting momoi (lol)
Thank you so much for your lovely comment! I'm so pleased you liked it!
Haha too true about Aomine, but I don't know that he actually knows what courting is, to be honest. It's a bit too subtle for him :)
Thanks again for the read and comment! ♥
Just sayin haha
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