
Feb 08, 2004 14:03

so sleepy. hung out with jenny and jules last night. went to a basketball game with julie then went back to her apartment to watch the chinese take on charlies angels which was way better than the american. then we talked to missy in the wee hours of the morning and let me tell you shes a hoot. also jules roomate gave us porn to watch which was ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

jordinsilver February 8 2004, 23:30:44 UTC
I am still madly in love with you, because of your story. You need to look out when i get there.... wink wink ....


Re: jordinsilver February 8 2004, 23:34:10 UTC
oh yeah. here's a pic of Toni..
... )


derix_ghetto February 9 2004, 20:33:35 UTC
Hey asshole, just to let you know QUIT talking shit. Its been for fucking ever since it happend and maybe if you would GROW the fuck UP and take responsibility for your actions none of this would have happend. Hes not in your life ANYMORE, and i want my god damn fucking shirt back that my father bought me for xmas.


anonymous February 10 2004, 02:44:37 UTC
Toni's totally a hottie!!!! Gezus krist, missy better bring her along with her carry on luggage!!! thanks for hanging out with me the other night, you listened to a lot of my shit, and i hope you know i was truly listening to you. we definately have to do that some more.


Re: jordinsilver February 10 2004, 22:29:15 UTC
is toni hotter than me :(


urmomismyslut February 10 2004, 04:39:37 UTC
heyhey, we gotta do coffee, cause i want you too see my hair lol...you'd laugh, but i think youd like the hawky. woop woop. tax return shopping in oregon yes!!


anonymous February 11 2004, 01:38:47 UTC
Toni is hot, but not as hot as my sister...you i worry about. too many girls...too little missy... will you save some missy for me when you come?


Re: jordinsilver February 11 2004, 05:14:13 UTC
*singing janet jackson* its allllll fooorrrr yoooouuuuuuuuuuuu julie!! It is it is it is... for you, marry me?!??!?!?? please??


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