Title: Honey & the Hive Queen
bree_blackIllustrations by:
tringicFanmix by:
lookturtlesRating: PG-13 / Light R
Pairings: Jo/Madison, mentions of canon ships, implied background Dean/Castiel (if you squint).
Word Count: 15k
kazie_ohNotes: Written for the
Summary: It ends with Sam Winchester putting a bullet through her heart - or, that’s how it’s supposed to end. As it turns out, death is only the beginning for Madison Owens, and heaven is nothing like she expected. Somehow, she finds herself recruited into a band of rebels - a dead psychic, a dead FBI agent, a dead salesman, and two dead dorks, all working to take down heaven from the inside. But the most bewildering part of all is Jo Harvelle, their beautiful - and only slightly scary - leader. So much for eternal rest - between the fight against the angels and her new feelings for Jo, Madison has never felt more awake.
Part One Part Two Illustrations Fanmix Notes and AcknowledgmentsPodfic by
exmanhater (and deleted scene).