Title: You Are the One for Me [Short Story] Pairing: Onew / Key Rating: R / NC-17 Genre: Angst, Rape, Romance Summary: Key finds it a little hard to open himself up after that happened
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woooow O.o so speechleeess.. this is just wow xDDD *get bricked* how can I feel so amazed with kibum being raped here and he was hurt can I kill all the people who bulied kibum?? especially the jae persooon I'll make sure that he'll diee sooo sloowly and painful!! >X|
Jinkiii how can you bee so naiveee >.< I know you're so adorable nice kind *stopping my onew bias side or it'll be loong" but yeah thank you for saving Kibum, >.< I still feel hurt when I remember that kibum get hurt by other people D:
even thought I kinda feel he looks so cute when he cry * get bricked*
me tooo >.> LOL *get bricked* he just too cute when he get hurt *Get shoot* count mee in XDDD
Jinki?? yeah xDD he's soooo strong heree and and gentlee!! oh gosh he'll be a perfect husband for mee LOL
yuuuuup you know I just realized it when I find some fanvid who show all the times when he cry!! xDD and I think it's cuteee *since you alread hug him I'll pat his back*
Hahaha. I'll save you from the bricks! Cause we're one of a kind? Lol. XD The torturing will end up in a graphic manga. Oops. XD
I know, right? But he is strong in real life. And despite the clumsiness, he is good at sports! Sigh, what wouldn't I give for such a perfect man? But he's younger than me. XD I keep forgetting.
Hahaha. Cause you already have Onew? So may I have Key? XD
I'm currently busy with my entry fic for a contest. If you want, you could read my older fics? Just saying. If you do, I hope you enjoy them! :)
WHHOOAAAAA...you almost made me crying...>.<..arrgghh i wanna kill those bastard for hurting Key like that...>.<...ugh Key must feel really bad OTL...good thing Onew is there..XXDD
OMG..ONEW is such a hero here...XXXDDD..glad it was actually an happy ending..XD
pls do write more..ill be waiting for another great pieces from you ^^
Oh dear! *Gives tissues* I didn't want to make anyone cry but i can't stop myself from writing angst. Mianhae!
Yes! Onew is Key's hero. Heroes always save the 'damsel in distress'. XD
Thanks for reading and commenting. I hope to write more for you and others to read. I'm already in the midst of writing another OnKey fic. :) Thank you so much!
KIBUM!??!RAPED!??! MY POOR KIBUMMIE! omona.... and oh god, i was seriously just thinking the other day about how someone should write a fic about key's ~terrible~ past and become kind of scared of having an intimate relationship and then bam! jinki comes in and be gentle and all and yeah! smut! HAAHHA. you should write that as a sequel for this! xD <333
Hello there! I guess I kinda read your mind or something? XD
Smut sequel? Sounds like a good idea. I'll see if I have the muse for it. Any prompts that you'd like to give? I can't promise I can write them though I'll try my best. :)
And thanks for taking the time to read and comment! I really appreciate it.
Comments 48
so speechleeess..
this is just wow xDDD
*get bricked* how can I feel so amazed with kibum being raped here and he was hurt
can I kill all the people who bulied kibum?? especially the jae persooon
I'll make sure that he'll diee sooo sloowly and painful!! >X|
Jinkiii how can you bee so naiveee >.<
I know you're so adorable nice kind *stopping my onew bias side or it'll be loong"
but yeah thank you for saving Kibum, >.<
I still feel hurt when I remember that kibum get hurt by other people D:
even thought I kinda feel he looks so cute when he cry * get bricked*
I know how you feel. I kinda like reading and/or writing Kibum being the one hurt. *hides*
Be my guest torturing the bullies to death. *evil grin*
Hahaha. You can go ahead, really. I'll gladly spazz along with you. XD
He really is sweet, isn't he?
Key? Looks cute when he cries? Yeah, he does during those award shows! XD
*huggles him*
Thanks for reading and commenting!
me tooo >.> LOL *get bricked*
he just too cute when he get hurt *Get shoot*
count mee in XDDD
yeah xDD he's soooo strong heree and and gentlee!! oh gosh he'll be a perfect husband for mee LOL
you know I just realized it when I find some fanvid who show all the times when he cry!! xDD and I think it's cuteee
*since you alread hug him I'll pat his back*
write more pleasee xD
Hahaha. I'll save you from the bricks! Cause we're one of a kind? Lol. XD
The torturing will end up in a graphic manga. Oops. XD
I know, right? But he is strong in real life. And despite the clumsiness, he is good at sports! Sigh, what wouldn't I give for such a perfect man? But he's younger than me. XD I keep forgetting.
Hahaha. Cause you already have Onew? So may I have Key? XD
I'm currently busy with my entry fic for a contest. If you want, you could read my older fics? Just saying. If you do, I hope you enjoy them! :)
Oh I loved it!! Some parts were heartbreaking -and oh poor KEY!! :'(
-but it was still very well written and amazing!!
The fic was really sad, but the ending was sweet! Jinki's so nice~
Thank you for writing!!
(I know I fail at writing comments! Please forgive me!)
I'm glad you love this! :) You know I can be a perfectionist when I try. It's crazy.
I hate that trait of mine! But it comes in handy.
Thank you so much for reading and commenting! And don't worry about it! :)
finally OnKey..XD
ill be back to read and comment..XD.. i gotta write something now...^^
OMG..ONEW is such a hero here...XXXDDD..glad it was actually an happy ending..XD
pls do write more..ill be waiting for another great pieces from you ^^
Yes! Onew is Key's hero. Heroes always save the 'damsel in distress'. XD
Thanks for reading and commenting. I hope to write more for you and others to read. I'm already in the midst of writing another OnKey fic. :) Thank you so much!
and oh god, i was seriously just thinking the other day about how someone should write a fic about key's ~terrible~ past and become kind of scared of having an intimate relationship and then bam! jinki comes in and be gentle and all and yeah! smut! HAAHHA.
you should write that as a sequel for this! xD
Smut sequel? Sounds like a good idea. I'll see if I have the muse for it. Any prompts that you'd like to give? I can't promise I can write them though I'll try my best. :)
And thanks for taking the time to read and comment! I really appreciate it.
poor kimbummie! all the pain and torture that he had gone through all by himself..
thank god for onew saving the day~ he's so sweet, always there loving key no matter what happens. <3
thanks for the great story! <3 :D
Yeah cause he was too embarrassed to go to any of his members for help. Which is kinda mean of me for doing that to him, really.
Onew is Key's knight in shining armour! :) And true love always stands through the tests thrown at them.
Thanks for reading and commenting. Appreciate you taking the time to do so. :)
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