Title: Return to Me--And I Will Mend My Soul In Time
Author: Eleanor aka
breespearlsRating: PG
Author's Notes: Thank you, dear readers, for following this fic. I heartily appreciate the time you take to read something I've written. :)
The chapter title is a lyric taken from the James Blunt song Goodbye My Lover. Though when I was writing it, I was
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Comments 11
Darling, as long as there is breath in my body my fic will have no Bree/Orson ending. *shudderwretchgagshudder* I would have Bree hook-up with Lynette or Karl Mayer or... PAUL YOUNG before hooking her up with Orson. If I should ever, EVER even contemplate doing that, I'm looking you up because I'll need to be talked out of it and smacked around a few times. The only thing is that Orson might not totally be out of the picture. While I think it's safe to say that I won't be writing any Bree/Orson love scene (or almost love scenes) or have a relationship develop between them, he'll make an occassional appearance in the next few chapters.
As for the endish feel, I wanted that finality, not because I'm ending the fic, but because a chapter (and a painful one at that) of Bree's life has closed and she's somewhat a new person. It is true that there are chapters and chapters waiting to be written.
"No. What I want, I can’t have.”I have to say that I rarely praise my own stuff. I'm usually ( ... )
I liked the end..."what I want I can't have."
Oh, and Lynette...that was spot-on perfect Lynette. Now, I don't happen to like Lynette much, myself, but she is that persistent friend who'll never give up on you.
Maybe I'll have more substance to say later. It's silly because I'm so talkative and I like this SO much, but I can't think of anything to say. A second reading'll do me good.
Again, I liked this because it was so emotional and yet detached (as if you're seeing someone else's emotions and not quite close enough to feel them yourself), which is probably why it was so hard for me to think of anything to say.
The divorce just feels broken. It's the saddest form of divorce (and, unfortunately, I think the most permanent) because there's no anger; they've moved on to acceptance, albeit sad acceptance. Oh, dear. I hope that they can work it out.
This was so great. I knew it was Lynette... she's such a good friend. And I love that she brought Bree cookies. She's so great.
So the entire dividing the assets scene was absolutely fabulous. What Rex said at the end was so sad and so sweet... GOD THAT HIT ME HARD. Are you gonna explain what all they divided in the next chapter?
I loved it! Woooo!!
I ♥ the Brynette friendship. Lynette has become somewhat important in this fic and will probably stay a minor "major" character (if that made ANY sense). :)
What Rex said at the end was so sad and so sweet... GOD THAT HIT ME HARD.
Me, too!! I've said it everywhere else and I'm going to say it again. Of all the things I've written thus far (which is, like, 40,000 words), the only part that I take pride in, that I actually like and will accept as being kinda good, is Rex's last words to Bree before walking out of the office. Of everything that's happened in all five chapters, that one line has destroyed me more than anything else. :(
The next chapter is much longer and more complicated than chappie #5, so unfortuantely, it will probably not be out that fast. :) You can message me on MySpace and I'll try and update ya.
Thanks for R&Ring! :D
FYI, chappie #6 is almost complete. I just need to finish it up, edit it and post it. If you'd like to join in on the updates and read a sneak peek for chappie #6, go to www.fanfiction.net, look up 'forums', choosing the Desperate Housewives category. There's, like, 3 or 4 forums over there, one which is mine specifically created for the fic.
I'd love it if you'd read the sneak peak and tell me what you think. :)
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