So I've taken the first big step in giving form to, what up until now I was calling "my open source project" or "project one". I registered and submitted my project description to
SourceForge under the
GPL. With apologies to readers who were bored the first time I described my project, I now post my project application here in the hopes a more
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Comments 1
I'd tend to disagree with that Wiki has "no way to model the resulting web as anything but a flat web". There's a lot of semantic in a flat link if you position yourself at a level where the links produce an inhomogenous graph. You can compare the latter to a heuristic, i.e. a decision graph that you can model as a neural network.
Given the proper tools, you could then use this neural network to attach behaviors or links ("meaning") to a page or link based on context. And if at all possible, I'd say the ideal tool should autoproduce these behaviors and links based on interactions with the user. ;)
Denis de Bernardy
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