Zee Rules
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee. Possibly.
Mugglechump chose these.
1. Latin - Quando Omni Flunkus Moritatus
The latin is probably not declined or conjugated correctly, but it is supposed to mean "When all else fails, Play Dead."
It is the Motto of
Possum Lodge.
I usually use it when I feel the need to play dead.
2. Strongbad - Bear Holding a Shark
For those of us NOT in the know, Strong Bad is a character on the homestarrunner.com website. He's the sometime villian, and is friggin hilarious. In order to really understand, you need to go and watch him check his email. Seriously.
As for the bear holding the shark...
Myth or Legend?! I usually use this one when I have to 'splain something to someone.
3. Sinfest - Grammar Nazis
Sinfest is a cartoon. A Comic. Crack. You pick.
As for the contents of the cartoon, this is what I want to do to people who don't understand HOW APOSTROPHES WORK, can't differentiate between there, their, and they're, and commit a myriad of other maddingly STUPID mistakes that are made on a daily basis.
4. Law & Order - The Goddamned Batman
simplymonki found this graphic. It had the law and order people flanking Batman with the verbiage that you see here on the icon.
I generally use this whenever Batman, Law and Order, Lawyers, Vigilantes, or Batman come up in conversation.
As for the Goddamned Batman bit, let me set the scene. You're Dick Grayson. You've just seen your parents killed and you're picked up by some asshole in a bat suit and are being spritied away and you're none too happy about it.
Now click here. 5. Gandalf Cannot Pass
I first saw this graphic in a Fark.com photoshop contest sometime back in the olden days (possibly 2002 or 2003), and loved it so much that I downloaded it. I then, a few years later, got a livejournal and found this icon on someone's icon post and snaked it. I think it was the third icon I added to my repertoire, and it's been there ever since.
Plus, it's funny.
persephone33 Picked these.
Sinfest - King
See above re: crack.
I was in an odd mood when I made this one. I usually use it when I'm in an odd mood again.
My one and old Tarot icon. I made
empressvesica an Empress icon, and decided to make myself a Hierophant icon. That's pretty much it.
Bill Nye the Science Guy
It's the magical
Bill Nye the Science Guy icon of science.
Also usually used when I'm feeling pedantic or if I've just pulled off an amazing feat of jerry rigging engineering.
Trek - Evil Spock
He's evil. Do you know how you can tell? He's got a goatee.
(There was this Classic Trek episode where Kirk, Bones, Scotty, and Uhura all beamed up... into a parallel universe. Everyone was amoral at best, and the AlternaSpock [as did many of the others] had a goatee. Hence the "Evil Spock". Watch "Mirror, Mirror" when it comes on the old Television.)
I usually use it when I'm being mean, or burning someone. Or Both.
Strongbad - Bear Holding a Shark.
See Above.