"I didn't come to see Kate because it would make me feel better," she says. "I came because without her, it's hard to remember who I am."
It is the story of Anna, who was made to save her dying sister. It is the story of Kate, who wishes she could have had a normal life. It is the story of Sara and Brian, who had to make the most difficult
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Comments 14
All of Jodi Picoult's novels are amazing (I highly recommend her other stuff) but nothing will ever top 'My Sister's Keeper'. The characters are so realistic, life-like and we sympathise with them. You can't help but think what a horrible person the mother is at one chapter and think she's amazing in another one for being brave.
I couldn't help but cry too, it's just such a moving book.
I saw there's going to be a movie of the book sometime this year... I'm not sure this is the kind of story you can change into a movie but I'm still curious about it...
I'd like to read another book by Jodi Picoult but I don't know which one to hoose. Any recommandation ?!
There's going to be a movie?! I didn't even know about that but it really disappoints me somehow. I hate the Hollywood tendency to make every brilliant book into a movie (did you know they're also making a movie out of The Lovely Bones?). It makes people just not reach for books anymore and I usually think the book is a thousand times better than the film but that's just my opinion.
I really loved The Pact by her. I've only read 3 books in total and one's in my room waiting to be read hehe, but after 'My Sister's Keeper' that would be my favourite one up to now :)
I saw a movie of the book 'The Pac' a very long time ago and I remember enjoying the story a lot. I might give the book a chance soon (when I'm done with my other 165435469 books) !
I watched Waitress 2 days ago too! Such a cute movie.
PS. Happy New Year ♥
I loed Waitress ! And the song she sings at one moment in the movie is so beautiful, I can't get it out of my head !
Happy New Year to you too sweetie !
Merci, maintenant, j'ai envie de le relire... Tu as lu d'autres bouquins d'elle? J'ai envie de me faire une commande de bouquins sur internet (parce que bon, france est un peu stupid, et les traductions arrivent lentement, autant remonter à la source! ;))
J'essaie de relever les citations qui me plaisent quand je lis un livre, mais souvent j'oublie parce que je suis plongée dans le bouquin, mais là elles etaient tellement bien que je me suis recipitée pour les noter !
J'ai pas encore lu d'autres bouquins d'elle par contre j'ai vu l'adaptation de 'The Pact' et ça m'avait plu. Et une amie qui a lu le livre m'a dit qu'il était tres bien !
Sinon, est-ce que tu as lu "The lovely Bones" par Alice Sebold (me souviens plus du titre français, un truc avec le mot paradis dedans)...Il est superbe aussi, un peu le meme style que "my sister's keeper", je pense que tu aimerais !
C'est exactement ça, un concentré d'émotions, surtout dans la manière d'écrire. Je crois qu'il faut se concentrer là dessus, parce que l'histoire en elle même n'est honnetement pas très réaliste. Maiiis bon, on s'en fiche.
C'est vrai que c'est dur de garder le réflexe de noter, on se dit tout le temps "pff, flemme, à quoi ça sert de toute façon?" mais bon, ça fait toujours du bien de relire des bouts de phrases comme ça de tps en tps!
Je viens de "goodreader" the lovely bones, effectivement, ça a l'air d'être une belle histoire. Par contre, aie, je le lirai pas tout de suite, y'a l'air d'avoir besoin d'etre émotionnellement accroché! ;)
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