That's right, I've done the
the_lj_reboot again.
There's quite a funny story behind this layout.
I had put off doing the design because of a bunch of RL projects that had to be done, and so I hadn't even started it last week--when my computer crashed and had to be sent out for repairs. I managed to get a spare computer on loan, but near-immediately had to go away for memorial day weekend, and basically got back Monday evening. This whole design was put together in less than 24 hours on a computer that didn't have my 1000+ size font collection or any of my custom sparkly programs in what time I could scrounge to work on it. However, hastily done though it may be, I'm proud to have finished it.
Anyway, for those of you who are referred here through the reboot, thanks for stopping by, and if you didn't participate, think about doing it next time! It's fun!