Art: Numb3rs

Nov 26, 2006 23:37

Had a rare day of fannish productivity, probably as a result of forced Thanksgiving non-activity, (no activity, that is, other than wrangling relatives, oh boy). Yams may also be the key to all this- mmm, leftover yaaaaams. And Cadbury's Flakes. Ohgod, goood. Anyway.

BEHOLD: THE NUMB3RS WEDDING PLANNER AU, as put forth by shadesofbrixton, who in all her wisdom said, "...draw it. Just because the visual of Don spinning around in a veil is maybe enough to make me spit out my coffee." So, there you go, shadesofbrixton. Spittake away.

So. Yeah. (and omg, I'm so sad that they're sending Larry into space! I like Larry! He can't go! Even if it DOES get him out of that odd relationship he's in with Megan!)

P.S.- anyone know where I could get a nice dS icon and/or a nice Numb3rs icon? AHAHAHA ETA lookit my new icon!
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