Icon meme

Feb 17, 2010 00:02

From newredshoes:

Comment here and I will pick six of your icons, you then copy and paste this in your LJ along with your explanations/comments/squeeage about each one.

keyword: small world!

A passing comment by a f'listie of mine (rosefox), and one I should use more often since it is indeed a small world after all in these here internets, when you get intersections of people with the same interests/fandoms/whatever. This one took a few false starts before I decided to keep it simple and use a textured base by bozicons.

keyword: languages, keyword: foreign tongues yay

OK, so I like languages. Real, invented, whatever. I also like the origin of this icon: vilakins truffled up a cache of WPA posters from the 1930s that had been posted to Flickr (by the Library of Congress), and made icons of a whole bunch of them, so that you had the extraordinary intersection of thirties PSAs, Art Deco cutting-edge design (which I am a sucker for), and the irreverent sense of humour of LJ icon-creators. My *hugs* icon comes from the same set.

keyword: frobisher, keyword: whifferdills ftw

Context for this one: at one point I was a keen reader of the Doctor Who Magazine comics and their extraordinary cast of characters. Some more extraordinary than others... this particular one is a shape-shifting alien (a Whifferdill) with delusions of Phillip Marlowesque grandeur, the shape of an emperor penguin, and a loyalty to the Doctor in all his guises. And the name of Frobisher, for reasons known only to himself. The icon itself is one of redscharlach's famous mini-icons, of which I have entirely too many (uploaded and not), but it's hard to resist their cuteness.

keyword: dignity always dignity

I tend to reserve this for discussing the very first airings of Doctor Who, which is where this image comes from: the character is time-traveling teacher Barbara Wright, mistaken for a goddess when she finds herself among the eponymous Aztecs. She still manages to be badass and SRS BZNS even in a rather fabulous hat/headdress, which is why I find the "Singin' in the Rain" reference entirely in keeping. (Its opposite is keyword: four:fashion victim, since I couldn't resist there being a Lina Lamont quote to match the Don Lockwood one!)

keyword: shalka!nine/shalka!master OTP

I defy anyone to watch/listen to Scream of the Shalka, a webcast dating back to before the 2005 series (still at the BBC Doctor Who website here), and *not* see the slashiness in the banter between these two born enemies. It doesn't hurt that you've got two very good character actors voicing them both over... Christopher Eccleston may have superseded Richard E. Grant as the Ninth Doctor, but pfeh, canon, who needs it?

keyword: big city

Another of vilakins' WPA artwork icons, this is the one I generally use when discussing either New York or (since you can see it with the eye of faith in one corner of the icon) its subway system. (Yes, I can be a bit of a nerd about it.) Looks slightly like something out of a picture-book, in that context, but it's sort of bright and cheerful.

And a bonus one since newredshoes asked nicely:

keyword: fyi

An early one requested by me from redscharlach for those "oh hai, just to say..." moments. It helps to know that the baddie in this particular icon, the Heavenly Host from the Doctor Who feature-length episode Voyage of the Damned, always starts its lines of dialogue with the word "Information:", hence "fyi".

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