Turn yo head, My Baby just Spit me Out!

May 16, 2006 17:59

Today i hung out with trista ty barker sean n andy smoked then came home n im probly gunna be here for the rest of the night so yeah im a loser


The Honest Survey!
Answer these questions honestly.
No liars!

1. Honestly, what color is your underwear? all different colors
2. Honestly, whats on your mind right now? eating
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? This survay
4. Honestly what did you do today? chilled with my hommies n smoked
5. Honestly, do you think you are attractive? sometimes
6. Honestly, have you done something bad today? no
7. Honestly, do you watch disney channel? Randomly
8. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? no
9. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time? chillen wit my homies
10. Honestly, do you bite your nails? sometimes
11. Honestly, what is your mood right now? Tired and high
12. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? no i LOVE food
13. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute? yessss
14. Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret? no
15. Honestly, do you hate someone right now? YES
16. Honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now? danny
17. Honestly, are you loyal? yesssiirrr
18. Honestly, are you in denial? no lol
19. Honestly, have you recently thought of something forbidden? no
20. Honestly, who is/are your best friend(s)? Trista julie n ty
21. Honestly, do you like someone? yessssiirrr
22. Honestly, is it going anywhere with them? not at all.

[ series 1 - general info ]
-- Name : briana
-- Birthdate : june 16
-- Birthplace : roal oak
-- Current Location : westland
-- Eye Color :light browm
-- Hair Color : dark brown.. almost black
-- Righty or Lefty : Righty
-- Zodiac Sign : gemini
-- Innie or Outtie : innie

[ series 2 - your favorite ]
-- Music : all kinds
-- Cartoon : tome & jerry
-- Color : black white n grey
-- Slushy Flavor : mountain dew n pepsi
-- Magazine : cosmo girl
-- TV Show : that 70's show n fresh prince
-- Movie : love & basketball
-- Song : those jeans- bobby valention feat LIL WEEZZZY and almost all of Aaliyah's songs
-- Language : english
-- Spice Girl : damn haha.. Sporty
-- Subject in School : mrs wakefields class
-- Ice Cream Flavor : cookies n cream

[ series 3 - what is ]
-- Your most overused phrase on aol : i dont got it
-- The first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning : going back to sleep
-- The Best Name for a Butler : george
-- The wussiest sport : cheerleading
-- Your best feature : my hair
-- Your bedtime : HA!
-- Your greatest fear : drowning but im not scared to like go swimmin or got to the lake or ocean or anything
-- Your greatest accomplishment : when i graduate from high school

[ series 4 - you prefer ]
-- Pepsi or coke : cokes only good with Jack
-- McDonald's or Burger King : BK NIGGAAAAA
-- Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers : chicken fingers
-- Dogs or cats : dogs
-- Rugrats or doug : rugrats
-- Single or taken : single
-- Monica or Brandy : both
-- Tupac or Jay-Z : Tupac but you gotta love tha Jay-Z
-- Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes : both
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea : lipton
-- One pillow or two : two
-- Chocolate or vanilla : both
-- Hot chocolate or hot cocoa : hot chocolate
-- Cappucino or coffee : cappucino
-- Boxers or briefs : boxers fo sho

[ series 5 - do you ]
-- Take a shower everyday? : yeah
-- Have a(any) crush(es)? : yup
-- Want to go to college? : ya
-- Like high school? : its ok
-- Want to get married : not really
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys? : not home row
-- Believe in yourself? : sure
-- Have any tattoos/where? : nope
-- Have any piercings/where? : ears
-- Get motion sickness? : nope
-- Think you're a health freak? : hell naw
-- Get along with your parents? : sometimes
-- Like thunderstorms? : hell yaa

[ series 6 - the future ]
-- Age you hope to be married : i dont wanna get married
-- Numbers and Names of Children : really dont want none
-- Where do you see yourself at age 20? : gettin fucked up with my hommies.. naw jp lol umm really dont know
-- What do you want to be when you grow up? : cosmotalegest
-- What country would you most like to visit? : europe and the phillipeans

[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
-- Best eye color? : blue green or gray but really it dont matter
-- Best hair color? : dont matter
-- Short or long hair? : short
-- Best height? : taller then me
-- Best weight? : gotta be built
-- Best articles of clothing? : i love when their pants are lower then their boxers with the belt n the stomach oooo thats too sexy

[ series 8 - other ]
-- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? : like when i was 10
-- How many rings until you answer the phone? : 2 or 3
-- How many houses have you lived in? : 3
-- How many schools have you gone to? : 3
-- What color is your bedroom carpet? : verber
-- Would you shave your head for $5000? : HELL NO but maybe for a billion
-- If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three things with you what would you take? : life time supply of food a house n danny :P


[ nicknames ]: Bri, B, Briezie (.F. Baby)
[ born in ]: roal oak
[ resides in ]: Westland
[ good student ]: kinda
[ eyes ]: light brown
[ hair ]: dark brown
[ shoe size ]: 7- 7 1/2

last time you...
[ had a nightmare ]: i have no idea
[ said "i love you" and meant it ]: never
[ ate at mcdonald's ]: the court date before last
[ dyed your hair ]: amandas birthday in like 03
[ brushed your hair ]: this morning
[ washed your hair ]: yesterday morning
[ checked your e-mail ]: like 2 years ago
[ cried ]: when i was totally WASTED
[ called someone ]: today
[ smiled ]: today
[ laughed ]: today
[ talked to an ex ]: like 2 weeks ago

do you...
[ sleep with stuffed animals? ]: no
[ have a dream that keeps coming back? ]: YES! its got the same person but its different everytime
[ play an instrument? ]: nope
[ remember your first love? ]: never been in love
[ still love him/her? ]:
[ read the newspaper? ]: sometimes
[ have any straight friends? ]: almost all of 'em
[ consider love a mistake? ]: no
[ believe in god? ]: of coarse
[ go to church? ]: not anymore
[ have any secrets? ]: no
[ have any pets? ]: my dogs a beast
[ talk to strangers who instant message you?]: no lol
[ wear hats? ]: uh huh
[ have any piercings? ]: ears
[ have any tattoos? ]: nope
[ hate yourself? ]: no
[ have an obsession? ]: no
[ have a secret crush? ]: no he knows
[ collect anything? ]: no
[ have a best friend? ]: yupppp
[ like your handwriting? ]: yeah
[ have any bad habits? ]: yeah
[ care about looks? ]: sometimes, depends
[ boy/girlfriend's looks? ]: im sorry but everyone says its not about the looks when you seen a hot guy/girl you wanna get with them n if their ass holes or bitches then you go talk to the next hot person you know what i mean?
[ believe in witches? ]: no
[ believe in satan? ]: NO
[ believe in ghosts? ]: uh huh

your current...
[ dress ]: dark blue roca wear jeans black belt n long sleve black shirt
[ mood ]: tired/high
[ music ]: none
[ taste ]: nothing
[ hair ]: down
[ annoyance ]: my arm keeps itching
[ smell ]: my momma cookin
[ thought ]: this person i know
[ book ]: my sisters keeper
[ fingernail color ]: none
[ refreshment ]: capri sun
[ worry ]: none

last person...
[ you touched ]: trista.. we were givin each other "dap" lol
[ you talked to ]: my mom
[ you hugged ]: ty i think
[ you instant messaged ]: i dont know
[ you yelled at ]: barker
[ who broke your heart ]: welll lets not get into that
[ you kissed ]: *** : X

who do you want to...
[ kill ]: no one
[slap ]: stevi
[ tickle ]: no one lol
[ talk to ]: danny
[ have sex with ]: : X
[ be like ]: no one


Spell your first name backwards: anairB
[ x ] The story behind your user name?: dont got one
[ x ] Are you a lesbian: FUCK NO
[ x ] Where do you live: Westland
[ x ] 5 words that describe the way your feeling now: hungry i gotta pee n high
[ x ] Wallet: dun have one
[ x ] Hairbrush: black n silver
[ x ] Toothbrush: red
[ x ] Jewelry worn daily: ALOT.. i got 5 rings a cross necklace n earings (ears pierced 3 times)
[ x ] Pillow covers: shit i dont remember blue ones?
[ x ] Blanket: dark blue
[ x ] Sunglasses: JLO ones n black ones
[ x ] CD in stereo right now: tupac
[ x ] Tattoos: none:-(
[ x ] Piercings: ears
[ x ] What you are wearing now: blue jeans black belt black long sleeve shirt
[ x ] Hair: dark brown almost black
[ x ] In my mouth: teeth
[ x ] In my head: my brain?
[ x ] Wishing: weed was legal
[ x ] After this:
[ x ] Talking to: no one
[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now: danny
[ x ] Is next to you: no one
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: THE HOEDOWN AND UP NORTH BABY!!!!!
[ x ] The last thing you ate: lunch
[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of: drowning
[ x ] Do you like candles: yepp :-)
[ x ] Do you like hot wax: uh huh
[ x ] Do you like incense: of coarse;-)
[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood: noo
[ x ] Do you believe in love: yes
[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates: if i get one ill let cha know
[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight: yes
[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven: yep
[ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness: yep
[ x ] Do you believe in God: yep
[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die: i want to be cremated and my ashes spread somewhere where i loved to be
[ x ] Who is your worst enemy: michele
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be: tiger :-) (like in Aladin lol)
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up: ive stayed up for 2 days straight
[ x ] Ever been to Belgium: nope
[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks: uh huh
[ x ] What's your favorite coin: the dollar one
[ x ] What are some of your favorite candy: CHOCOLATE!!
[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand: ALOT
[ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better: school and danny
[ x ] What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow: summer
[ x ] What does your name mean: nothing
[ x ] What are your worst qualities: school
[ x ] What are your best qualities: smokin weed
[ x ] How long does it take you to get ready in the morning: depends
[ x ] Do you dream at night: sometimes
[ x ] Do you remember your dreams: sometiems


---» everyone knows your name but, just say it
for the record.

---» who is the closest person to you in your life?

---» when was the last time you felt special?
shit couldnt tell ya

---» do people pile compliments on you?

---» are the compliments usually good or bad?

---» name one thing that is bothering you.
danny not going to school (yeah i sounds ubsested)

---» who are your 3 close friends?
trista julie n ty

---» who's someone you wish you've never met?

---» one thing that sucks about where you live.
theres NEVER anything to do

---» name 3 things you wish you had.
money good grades & a car

---» what's one thing you would eliminate from your life?

---» have you ever loved a boy/girl?

---» if not, do you think you'll eventually fall in love?
hope so

---» what's 3 things you like about yourself?
my hair the way i do my make-up and how i can smoke so much ;)

---» what are 3 things you dislike about yourself?
my stomach my right side of my face and

---» if you could be hooked on 3 movies for a whole year, which movies would you choose?
love and basketball dazed and confused &

---» name everyone who's online on your buddy list right now.
dont got AIM

---» name two celebs who you think is beautiful.
michelle rodregiz i have no idea how to spell it & Aaliyah

---» name two celebs who you think are ugly!

---» on a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself

1.) sense of humor/personality :: 9
2.) looks/body :: 5
3.) energy level :: 9
4.) likable level :: 9 only if you know how i am other than that 2 (only if your a girl)
5.) interesting level :: 6
6.) how good of a friend you are :: 10
7.) dateable :: 10
8.) responsible :: 10
9.) respectful :: 10
10.) intelligence :: 7

---» if you could lay a big sweet kiss on someone,
who would it be?

---» are you more of a teaser or cuddling person when it comes to being around the boy/girl?

---» should it be the guy or the girl who makes the first move?

---» when it comes to relationships you have most of what?
i dont have relationship expeirience

---» is there anything you'd take back from a relationship you were/are in?

---» what's the longest you've had "strong feelings" for someone?
i wouldnt say stong but ive hadda 'thing' for like 2 years now

---» when was the last time you bought something?
when i bought my cigarettes

---» when was the last time you had homemade soup?
at tristas sometime i dont fuckin remember

---» remember those early 90's shows? what were some of your favorites?
fresh prince, full house

---» so, what's wrong with the world today?
too many sick ass people

---» would you like to see a woman become president?

---» if you have a favorite... what was your favortie president?

---» when you're around a boy/girl what do you think they notice first about you?
girl- my hair boy- probly my ass like every other guy out there

---» are any of your friends in a serious, long relationship?

---» have you ever been in a week or not even long relationship?

---» name one person you try and look out for.
tks lil cuzz mary

---» something you are really pissed off about.
im fuckin hungry

---» what kind of clothes do you look best in?

---» you know how guys like to "hook up" their cars and make them look nice? what do you think is the best car to do all that stuff with?
apollas mustangs shit any sweet car

---» what kind of car, best fits you?
Stangggggg fo sho ((black))

---» what will your gown and cap look like?
lika gown n cap

---» after your graduation, what will you be doing in life?
shit dont even know

---» name one thing you will miss about the past.
bein a kid, having no responsoblilitys what so ever

---» name 3 things friends are good for.
talking to, hangin out w/, and bein there for you when you mostly need them

---» have you ever read someone's personal diary?

---» what were you doing 5 hours ago?
in school

---» what will you be doing 5 hours from now?
probly sleepin

---» what holiday you are looking forward to?
my birthday

---» are you the kind of person who goes out to those cool clubs, looks for the boy/girl and their digits?
im not 18 yet but hey when i am shure

---» do you usually try and do things your friends want you to do or do you try and stay semi-independent?
i do what i do nigga

---» if you could turn back time, where would you go?
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