I want to look pretty for him, maybe for the last time. Last time for someone, but who?
I take a long shower, shave, dress in my best clothes.
I want him to regret it.
I pack my piece, fully loaded, locked and ready.
I want to get the drop on them because I know Domino and how dangerous that fucker is.
Markham and that useless wad of dogshit who has the balls to look like the Princess are so fucking clueless.
Markham at least got it. He knew not to say anything to me. He was right, but Raine, that idiot...he sealed the deal.
I cracked Domino's cover not long after we crossed paths. It wasn't hard to do. When I saw where he was from, I started connecting the dots. Domino--Kim--Teri. High school sweethearts. How cute is that?
I don't know everything, Teri knows not to talk.
Teri can keep his fucking mouth shut.
All he ever told me was that it was in the past. Over.
Over my ass. I leave town and they're off banging like high school boys again? The princess and that crazy motherfucker?
Has it always been that way?
Not for long. His dumb ass brother and that prick, Markham, may not be able to find him, but I followed the trail of breadcrumbs to the bitch's hideaway in record time. The Dunravens were never as clever as they'd like to believe. I think of Beautiful Brian as I slip into my overcoat. I may have to disappear for awhile after this carnage. I wish I could take Beautiful Brian with me. We could have a good time, traveling around the world together. I could teach him a new trade. He has balls of steel, I think he could learn how to do it.
I sit down on the end of the bed with a sigh. Even fantasies of Beautiful Brian can't take away the pain of the Princess. What he did to my heart. I love him. How could he do this to me? Why did he do this to me? I thought we were going along really well and then....this. I'm going to be alone, soon. No more dreams of a happily ever after with the Princess. Can I do it? Can I really do it? I think of him all wrapped up with that crazy slant and I know I can. With a smile.
Don't fuck me over. Don't ever fuck over Bob Hanrahan. I do one thing really well and I'm about to do it to you. How could you forget that? You've seen the evidence. The element of surprise is always in my favor. I plan to use it well today. And then, before I leave town, maybe I'll pay a little visit to the useless brother. Just because I can. And maybe...maybe I can talk Beautiful Brian into taking a little trip with me. Help me forget. I have all kinds of chips to use on him. He's living with one.
Later, Bob, one thing at a time. Right now I need to concentrate on the work at hand. I need to do this right. They're both as dangerous as asps. I need to catch them off guard and move quickly. I know I could die in this little revenge scene. I'm okay with that.
So long as I don't die alone.