State of the Union?

Apr 28, 2007 15:13

Well, that's one way to put things, I suppose. I have to be quick, as once again I'm seriously lacking time.

So, I did manage to finish up my snarry_games fic, and thanks to joanwilder it was even beta read before submission. Hooray for that. However, within a day or so after finishing, I began to suffer extreme pain in my jaw. I thought it was a case of this one wisdom tooth that hasn't come in yet making yet another bid for freedom. After about a week, though, the pain had radiated all along my upper jaw and none of my pain medication was doing me any good. Then my left cheek started swelling. At the worst point, my left eye was swollen half shut and I had to call off work and see a doctor.

The verdict was an infection in my jaw, and a good deal of drugs later and I was allowed to go home. The next work shift I had I was still a bit swollen, but it was much more managable. I've just finished up the antibiotics and returned to feeling normal.

In the midst of this, our phone was shut off, which cut off my contact with the person I'm supposed to be moving in with. Before that, she'd been stopping by the house, even, she was in such a hurry to get things moving. I wound up getting a new cell phone, since I haven't been able to find mine for a couple of months, but none of the numbers I had for her were working. I finally got a correct number for her the other day, but I haven't had the chance to call it yet. So now I don't know if I'll be moving yet or not. Well. I'll be moving, just if it isn't moving in with her I'll be getting on a waiting list to get into Section 8 housing, because I've mentally prepared myself to move and if I don't go through with it I may go crazy.

Work has been horrid, but that's nothing new. Some of the circumstances were new, sticking me into the middle of things I didn't want to be in the middle of, but I think that's been resolved now. Quit smoking again, as I promised myself I would once I'd finished that fic, and that's gone okay.

There are so many little things piling up too. Took my car to be fixed, and had to spend four different days at the garage to deal with it, thanks to my car being a slightly unusual 2-wheel-drive model of Impreza. Except for the body work (which we'll be doing) it's all fixed. Of course, the speakers my sister bought me for my birthday last year still aren't in it. Which is amusing, since my next birthday is in two weeks. ^^;;;

And on that note, as something I heartily don't want to think about, I really need to dash off to work. One of these days, I'll actually catch up on my e-mail and flist. ::sigh::

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