DISCLAIMER: For comedy purposes only. The opinions here do not necessarily represent those of the author. And by that I mean if I told you what I REALLY thought It'd be much, much worse
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I know you don't care what I say or what my opinion is ... but hey! I wanted to say something :-) Sure Bush doesn't make the best decisions but at least he trys to lead an Christian example. Maybe it's a front or maybe it's not, that's not for me to judge. But personally, I think having a Christian leader is very important, seeing as that's what our country is based on. Look at all the other nations in the world... our's is the greatest. (I wonder why?) Stop hating on Bush, you're not hurting his feelings, but you're hurting mine. (think of it that way mr.) About all the bad stuff you're hearing. Of course all you hear is that because that's what most (not all) news is. Bad stuff. They don't show what all good that's happening overseas. Don't know, don't take me wrong for anything, I just thought I'd put what I felt like saying. :-) Yes it's a joke, I know that... so it's cool.
I'd like a Christian leader, but I'd also like one who's got half a lick of intelligence and has his political priorities in the right place. And don't think for a minute that that "good things happening overseas" argument will hold water with anyone. The reason that they only report bad things happening in Iraq is because that's all that is happening over there right now. We only liberated the Iraqis once. Our soldiers and innocent Iraqi citizens are getting blown up every single day, without exception.
That's baloney about "only bad things are happening in Iraq". It all depends upon who you talk to. Some people in Iraq are greatful for their freedoms that they said they never came close to under Saddam. Offering freedom to those that are oppressed is a wonderful gift to those that don't have freedom. Picture yourself in their shoes, and I bet you would agree with me. We're not making our soldiers give up their lifes, they chose to be in the Army and part of that choice was to give up their life for another's rights/freedoms/or life. Sure the terrorist want their way and they don't want freedom, so in Iraq peace will be a long time in coming. But, what's the point in giving up now, wasting all those lives, and letting the terrorist win
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Kerry wasn't more concerned with the environment than he was about other people. You clearly paid little or no attention to either party's platforms during the election. Kerry was certainly more environmental than Bush, but not to the point that that took up all his political energy. Kerry wanted to protect the environment for the good of humanity (aka not increasing global warming and the inevitable climate calamity that would result) and as his Christian duty to care for the creation God has given us. What's more moral than that? Pandering to big oil with reckless abandon to the environmental costs is anything but moral. And as for the whole abortion and homophbia moral values election thing, I've yet to see him even begin to discuss either issue in his 2nd term. It was all political rhetoric, and you fell for it.
As for Afghanistan, that fight was a legitimate one, and is where all our efforts should have been spent, rather than on a war in Iraq that was poorly executed and was based on false pretenses.
Comments 6
As for Afghanistan, that fight was a legitimate one, and is where all our efforts should have been spent, rather than on a war in Iraq that was poorly executed and was based on false pretenses.
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