Could it be her food? Try feeding her PLAIN (as in homemade, no salt, no pepper no crap from can) chicken broth and rice with a bit of the meat in it. Those are non-allergenic easy to digest foods that will fill her up and be ok for her for a bit. And, bonus, if she barfs that, it will be less gross then cat chow.
Also... fleas are a common allergy. They can be hard to spot sometimes. :/
We've changed her food to the plainest food possible. The vet had us get this food that is nothing but chicken and rice. She still manages to throw it up.
Can't be fleas, while she was at the vets they gave her that flea stuff that absorbs into their skin.
She has cut down on the throwing up lately. I feed her multiple times throughout the day now, but very small amounts in the hopes that maybe she's gorging herself and then the dry food swells up in her tum and comes back up. Still got the occaisional all-food barf by the litter box tho.
On the bright side, it's not too terrible to clean up. Crazy flipping cat. The vet is talking about putting her on steroids now. Heh. FEK!
Comments 2
Also... fleas are a common allergy. They can be hard to spot sometimes. :/
Can't be fleas, while she was at the vets they gave her that flea stuff that absorbs into their skin.
She has cut down on the throwing up lately. I feed her multiple times throughout the day now, but very small amounts in the hopes that maybe she's gorging herself and then the dry food swells up in her tum and comes back up. Still got the occaisional all-food barf by the litter box tho.
On the bright side, it's not too terrible to clean up. Crazy flipping cat. The vet is talking about putting her on steroids now. Heh. FEK!
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