I'm sure it's not just Portland, it's probably anywhere-- groups of interconnected women inherently turn their community into a small town. However. In Portland, you can register for Lesbian Literature just to get yourself out of your comfort zone and do something a little different, show up to class, and hear that your recent ex-girlfriend (of 3.5 years and a not entirely amicable breakup) is also registered in the class.
I took the class in part to hang out with a friend of mine & it turns out she's *dropping* the class... but I didn't know that until after I'd bought three of the four books and done the whole first day thing. I thought about dropping it, but my schedule really really really needs my other in-class class to be on Wednesday nights to keep the days open for work and what other evening time I have open for a ton of homework. So. I'm staying in the class, despite my impulse to tuck my tail between my legs and hightail it out of there... I need the credit, I need the *upper division* credit, I need the no-test/lite-homework Wednesday class... but if Lindsay sticks with the class, this could be more challenging even than I thought it would be... ::sigh::