F*** you LJ word limit

Aug 09, 2008 22:46

The following are the handful of relationships the TARDIS has developed at realityshifted that have not been addressed in the preceding 10,000 words (yes, you read that right). I promise to make it brief.

As a note to those playing along: the TARDIS' R/s canon is based heavily off the audio drama Zagreus in which she takes the shape of the Brigadier in order to help Rassilon turn the Doctor in Zagreus and destroy a divergent universe. Her canon takes place inside that divergent universe, with companions Charley and C'rizz, and where she has harnessed the ability to assume shapes as she did when under the influence of the anti-time infection. Generally, she takes the shape of the Brigadier (hence the journal name), but she's also fond of looking like Turlough and the Grey Lady, a Gallifreyan body she considers her 'true' projection.

Ten.One, Ten.Two, Nine -- Since these are 'normal' Doctors, the TARDIS feels for them the same as she feels for canon!Doctor waaaaaaaay up at the beginning of this essay. Ten.One she's had the opportunity to sleep with, Ten.Two and Nine, she'd be more than willing.

reject!Ten -- reject!Ten gets his own little spot because he isn't a 'normal' Doctor and because the TARDIS actually feels a slight sense of pity for him. He's without her in a parallel universe and the very idea of that hurts her more than she cares to say. She would, if possible, save him from his fate and wants nothing more than to see him happy.

d!Five -- d!Five gets his own little spot because he, uh ... isn't Five. He's d!Five, duh. The TARDIS, as she feels with Five, loves his deviant version dearly, but she is also depressingly wary of him. He has so much pain and loneliness that her Five never had and she wants desperately to help him, but knows she cannot. He is also, however, far more cruel than she remembers her Five being, and though he hides it well and is more often than not able to direct her attention elsewhere, the little hints and incongruencies between his stories and his attitude show through. He also threatened Ainley!Master during a plot in which the TARDIS was being manipulated to love the Master and hate the Doctor, and when she finally regains herself, that memory will remain, only cementing in the fact that d!Five is not her Five. And yet she cannot help but love him.

Sam Tyler -- The man who intends on single-handedly socialising the TARDIS. I wish you luck, good sir. Sam has the advantage of being best mates with Gene Hunt, which made his first encounter with the TARDIS actually somewhat bearable, considering she insulted him and called him all manner of rather derogatory things. Realising she has no social graces at all, considering she learned everything she knows from the bloody Doctor, Sam has decided he's going to learn her a thing or two about Proper Etiquette, come hell or high water. So far, he's succeeded in getting her to stop insulting people every time she opens her mouth, so I'd say he's doing a damn good job!

Diva -- Take the hatred the TARDIS has for the Master, add the hatred she has for Romana, divide it by two, and that's about how the TARDIS feels about Diva: not quite as much as the one, but more than the other. There is no foreseeable change to this in the future.

For one, Diva is a vampire. That right there earns giant no-no points with the TARDIS. The vampires are the great enemy of the Time Lords, the creatures Rassilon purged from the universe, and if the TARDIS had her way, she'd be purging the universe of one more. But alas, she cannot. Sam would hate her if she did. So would the Doctor, but she could convince him otherwise and really, he can never stay mad at her for long. ANYWAY. Diva is automatically disliked simply for her species. Take on the fact she's murdered at least two of the TARDIS' friends on the Plane, not to mention has way too many similarities to the TARDIS herself, and you've got perhaps the biggest rival the old girl has ever had. There is no love lost between the two and they cannot and have not had one conversation where they don't somehow degrade into either name calling, insulting or full-on violence.

The TARDIS is also, ashamedly, afraid of Diva. She never knows what Diva's going to do, and the more their hatred grows, the more possible it is for Diva to follow through on her threats of torturing the TARDIS for extensive periods of time. This, obviously, does not sit well with the old girl, but she's too stubborn and prideful to walk away, thereby compounding the issue with each passing day.

And that, my dear readers, is that.

In the meantime, I'm gonna go ice my hands.

meta, verse: realityshifted, ooc

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