WW Update:
Lost 3.8 pounds in two weeks.
Total Loss = 17.8 pounds
Go me!
NE Kotei Report:
Learned I was going Wed. No Pre-reg for me.
So, I drive up to Detroit to pick up Paul and Jesse after coming down to Indiana to pick up Mike. Not a bad drive, the snow the previous day had all but melted.
Pick them up around 10:30 EST, shoot the shit for about 30 minutes while I eat my BK.
Drive about 45 miles before we get stopped by an accident not 200 yards up the road.
A truck with some sort of gravel or cement on it had crashed, and it spilled all over the MI 23.
We waited for 4.5 hours while they cleaned up. Horribly lame.
On the way their, we mistakenly think the 80 East runs into the 90 East after the split (It doesn't before Mass). We go through PA and then come up to Mass
Total time in car, not including Gas and eats: 22 hours or so.
Test against SK, HCS control, And Rixson's wacky Harrier build. Lose a bit of confidence, but realize it's far too late to change anything. Try to sleep on couch. Fail until 2AM or so.
Wake up at 6. Wake up again at 7. Actually wake up this time, and clean up and eat. Go to tourney
Say Hi to everyone there. (Hey Palmer and CJ! :-D) Register. Wish I had preregistered. Oh well!
Names are butchered, or not remembered. Sorry!
1st Match ??? Khol/RH
Khol SHOULD have been the best deck in the environment. It sure was in LE I thought.
He gets too much gold and not enough regions. I roll him.
MVP - His Bad Draw, my Refugees
2nd Match Ray Dougherty Khol/RH
Ray is a fine gentleman who I played at the Charity tournament. I'm sure he has fun, but I'm not sure his deck is competitive. If I could talk to Ray, I'd try to help him with his deck.
Either way, I roll him, too.
MVP - Nothing really. I suppose Sneak Guerilla Tacticsing his Lixue.
3rd Match ??? Khol/RH
THIS match is a wee bit different. This guy has a very different kind of deck, Using Sugimoto/Shiki Heavily engaged, Yob Fortress. I think he is blitz, as most Khol that I saw were. I get Refugees and Rejoice. Then Chag xp3 comes out...stupid no sending home. I do however get Tsuno Swamps. I note his Yobanjin fortresses.
I get Hino Hino Takuma (Decent Gold start) and wait for his attack.
He attacks, I defend all at the Tsuno Swamps.
He hits other province.
He resolves my prov first.
Heavily Engages twice, I bow both Hinos. He Yob Fortresses in a guy. I don't see what he's up two, but I hates me his presence, so I "I Know That Trick" his Yob Fortress. He gives up and Takes Chags' Province, and gets another province. I grimace, but I lock his CHags. He gets Sugimoto (!) and Rama Singh I think.
My turn I attack, destroying the province with Shiki in it, and he doesn't have the force to retribute.I buy some peeps.
He attaches the RUBY OF IUCHIBAN (dammit) to Sugi, locking my bowed Takuma. With Chags locked, he can't attack. He buys Loruko and some dude, I think. I attack again, this time at two provs. He blocks the Daizu/Sosuke/Hino province with Sugimoto and Rama Singh and lets my Kuon/Sosuke province go. I resolve his, and Sneak Guerilla with Daizu. He Misdirects both into Sugi (:-() and Into The Darknesses Daizu and Sosuke home. I then Refugees Rama Singh Hino. He Yob Fortreses. I grimace, but play Mountains of the Phoenix. He Reacts with Sugimoto, and I remind him that two actions have now resolved, and the Yob Fortress guy is gone. I chuckle. Then He Rings of Water Sugimoto home, and Hino dies alone.
Kuon takes his province of course.
His hand is at this point like, 1 card, and I proceed to take the rest of his provinces, getting P'an Ku to mimic Sugimoto.
MVP: Early Tsuno Swamps and More Attrition/Send Home (Into) than he could handle, and Kuon.
Round 4: ??? Shiro Kituski/RH
Yeesh. SK is definitely a weak matchup for this deck, as there is only so much you can do to battle dueling.
He gets Shiki 3rd turn, but I get Tsuno Swamps, but no people :-(. I get 3 more gold, though. He however, resolves 2nd Doom of the Crab, must Target Shiki, who is subsequently Locked :-D. He at that point has not enough gold, and I outproduce him, and win.
MVP: Tsuno Swamps, his Shiki/2nd Doom resolving
Round 5: Josh Griffis, Sexy Beast OHL/BH
Josh is a punk and should've played Crab, but I forgive him since he won. :-D
I have no answers for 3 Chitik and his attrition. I don't get enough gold to outproduce him and he beats my face in.
He rolls me.
LVP: Chitik, and Josh's flawless playing
Round 6: Paul Ashman, T8K/RH
Paul is a hell of a guy, and one of the guys who drove with me. For some reason I think Dragons is an easy win, but I didn't think of the gold screw I got :-(. Paul defeats me soundly.
LVP: Gold Screw, Paul's flawless play and his Void Dragon.
4-2, on the cusp of not making the cut
Round 7: ??? Aramasu's Pride/RH
Guy who didn't realize that Orochi Sensei let you get orochis from the discard pile. Poor Guy. He also gets gold screwed. He apparently got paired up to me. He also went 3-4 with that deck, which really isn't that bad considering he was playing Orochi's without the Sensei.
I roll him.
MVP: His deck.
5-2, I'm 12th and Make the cut.
Top 16 match, Zhi Liao, Shiro Kitsuki/RH
Kitsuki is an excellent deck, Zhi is a good player. I'm in trouble.
1st game
Getting gold screwed again for the 2nd time doesn't help me.
He honors out before I can take more than 1 province.
2nd game
Closer game, but P'an Ku and Sugimoto mean I take his provinces despite his Mirumoto.
3rd game Goes to time. It is HERE I find out of the only reason this Kotei wasn't perfect. According to their rules, After the 90 minutes of Palmer/Colson play (tm)the guy who wins the first game wins the match.
What the FUCK? So it's like a swiss match, except we try to play 3 games? What horseshit is this?
I take the loss, congratulate Zhi and take my prizes.
I then play in Draft and enjoy myself thoroughly.
All in all a great Kotei, despite the end. It was really awesome to see everybody again.
Props and Thank yous:
To Mike "Motherfucking" Colson, for inviting me along, and helping drive, and being a cool guy
To Paul Ashman and Jesse Idon'tknowyourlastname, For being all around cool guys and helping drive
To Eric Devlin and Team Whiplash for running an almost perfect Kotei
To Ralph Tropeano and Family, for being really tolerant of us slobby gamer types and putting us all up for 2 nights. I owe you all a drink...or being underage for the kids, a pop or milk or something.
To everybody on the Dynasty and Dawgs, for generally being cool people, even though I'm not on said teams.
Fellow He'Bro Danny Swartz for Top 8'ing. REPRAZENT!
Jesse for shipping my bag overnight :-)
Alec Nickalls, Van Wert, and Eugene Earnshaw-Whyte(Dawg), for also being cool people.
Rixson for being wacky.
38 hours of driving and 4 hours sitting behind a fucking truck.
Paul Goldberg aka Walken for not reprazenting so much :-P
That weird rule.
Myself for switching Jesse's and My Bag.
AWESOME QUOTE OF THE TRIP: "Bitch Learned Jump!"
Question for L5R Players: Should I post my decklist with this Tourney Report? I'm unsure whether I should give it.