Why Wait?
I see something in your eyes I'll never forget
But my heart retains the run off waste from a fucked up past
It doesn't seem like anything is sure to last
So I wait for the day when the rock finally hits the glass house
All the stuff I simply forgot not to tell you about
Will come crashing down at the speed of life
Then fall dead on the floor splinter then the lies will crawl out
Dark little things not winged or horned
Just dark little things with bright eyes whos souls have been scorned
In your shock & dismay I'll be left to myself
Alone once again nothing but the same old tune
Alone again isolated in the same old room
But for tonight I enjoy that I see something in your eyes I'll never forget
Enjoy it push out all the other bullshit
Let it run and drip out of my system
So maybe it wouldnt happen if you'll only just listen
Haha how that^^ came about
StabbingJaneDoex [9:40 PM]: yeah I don't know where any of that came from>.<
PoKa DoTTeD TaRd [9:40 PM]: LOL
PoKa DoTTeD TaRd [9:40 PM]: you wrote it for no reason?
PoKa DoTTeD TaRd [9:40 PM]: hada been a motive behind i
PoKa DoTTeD TaRd [9:40 PM]: it*
PoKa DoTTeD TaRd [9:40 PM]: cuz it was really good!!!!
StabbingJaneDoex [9:41 PM]: I just thought about Joe
StabbingJaneDoex [9:41 PM]: & that came out
PoKa DoTTeD TaRd [9:41 PM]: wow..your mind works in crazy ways....lol
P.s. - I did Lind-z & Mona made people watch according to this :-S