Master Post: My Master's House Universe

Nov 19, 2016 15:35

Here be all the things that relate to my Sherlock slave AU, the My Master's House 'verse.

The stories are listed in the order in which they're written. The chronology of the universe is a bit tougher to organize, since many of the pieces involve flashbacks. Although most of these stories should work fine on their own, I suggest reading them in this order.

Warnings and pairing information are listed on the individual headers; please pay special attention to the warnings, as this universe is full of dark stuff.

The Stories

* In My Master's House are Many Rooms
As a new slave in the Holmes household, John is having trouble finding his place.
Originally written for s0mmerspr0ssen for holmestice Summer 2011 and posted here. The version on my journal has minor revisions.

* That You May Also Be Where I Am
John started out as a free man, and he’s not having an easy time coming around to being a proper slave. On the other hand, Sherlock’s not exactly a model master, so perhaps the two of them will find a way to coexist.

* The Place Where I Am Going
Lestrade tries to help John adjust to life in the Holmes household as he reflects on the circumstances that brought him there.

* I Go to Prepare a Place for You
Sherlock unravels a conspiracy against the state, Mycroft undertakes a project, Lestrade prevents people from murdering each other, and John has difficulty keeping secrets.

* I Will Not Leave You Comfortless
Lestrade comes to Mycroft on Christmas Eve ready to talk, but not knowing what to say. (A ficlet set pre-In My Master's House.)

* If It Were Not So, I Would Have Told You
Everyone in the Holmes household is considering who to trust. Tricky thing about trust: preserved, it yields great strength, but once broken, it takes a great length of time to repair.

* Believe Also in Me
In which Lestrade recalls how he and Mycroft first came to an understanding, and a rare Holmesian apology is offered.

* Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
In which there is a banquet, some doctoring, and further questions about the motivations of the Chinese government. Also, Sherlock has no respect for libraries.

* You Know Him and Have Seen Him.
In which Sherlock's affection for John is tested, and Lestrade learns something about Mycroft that changes things between them irrevocably.

* Coming Soon: The Word That You Hear Is Not Mine.
In which John deals with the aftermath of his actions, Sherlock throws a fit, and Mycroft revises his plans.

Further Reading
One of my favorite things about fandom is how things grow and cross-pollinate and spread. I'd present the caveat that the events depicted herein aren't necessarily compliant with the events of the In My Master's House universe, but then again, my events aren't so much compliant with BBC Canon themselves, so... *shrug* If you enjoy this universe, you should check out the other fanworks inspired by this universe:

* Silver and Gold by jaune_chat. NC-17, Mycroft/Lestrade.
Mycroft has a nightly indulgence in silver and gold.

If you'd like to play in this universe, that's fine by me. Just drop me a comment to know what you've created!

Bonus Features

From time to time I might add some extra content here, like snippets from the "parking lot" document where I put stuff that gets cut from the main story. Here's one to start with!

Deleted Scene (from I Go to Prepare a Place for You, Part II): John shows Sherlock the pictures of the message in the woods.
Notes: This scene was cut for pacing, but I liked a few of the quips in here. Besides, everyone can picture for themselves Sherlock spinning John around, demanding that he properly access his visual memory, and this scene didn't give us any information we didn't already know.

“This is perfect.” Sherlock held the phone close to his face. How he was failing to run into trees or step in puddles, John had no idea.

“Well I’m glad to have been something other than completely useless for once.”

“You’re not completely useless, John,” Sherlock said, waving a hand in his direction. “You can do very clever things with your tongue.”

“Right.” John smiled. A week ago, John would have had to stifle the urge to snap at Sherlock for such a dismissal. Now, however, he’d got better at translating, and could recognize that as a sincere kind of compliment. “Thanks.” He caught sight of the lights atop the garden wall, up ahead and to the right. “Well, I’ll be off to muster. Wouldn’t want to be late and earn another beating.”

“Hm.” Sherlock remained engrossed in the photograph.

“After that I’ve an appointment to be paddled by your brother, so I wouldn’t wait up.”

“Mm hm.”

John set off for the house as fast as his aching leg could carry him, leaving his preoccupied master behind.

verse: in my master's house, fandom: sherlock, genre: slash, fic

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