Fic: My Brothers' Keepers - Prologue

Apr 23, 2009 22:26

Title: My Brothers' Keepers - Prologue
Authors: jaune_chat and brighteyed_jill
Art: by xkelorosiamano is at her graphics community. It is awesome. Go take a look. In fact, I would suggest opening it up in a different tab so you can enjoy all the chapter headers as you read.
Fandom: Heroes and Supernatural
Pairings: Every combination of Nathan and Peter Petrelli and Sam and Dean Winchester
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Consensual incest, dubcon(ish), orgies, demons, demon-possession, violence, language, mind-control, angst, going straight to hell (literally), and non-chronological narrative structure.
Word count 60,000ish
Spoilers: Supernatural Season 4, pre "On the Head of a Pin," very vague Season 2 spoilers for Heroes.
Authors' notes: Beta'd by redandglenda, who is a peach among pears. Written for sncross_bigbang. This is a sequel to The Secret's in the Telling. If you haven't read it, here's the gist: Dean and Sam were thrown together with Peter and Nathan Petrelli, two brothers with unusual secrets, to track down a demon that's threatening them both.
Summary: Sam and Dean discover demons have been possessing people with special abilities that have nothing to do with magic. Peter draws a future that reunites him and Nathan with the Winchester brothers. Together they find out that specials--people whose powers come from an unusual inherited gene-- are being targeted for possession by a woman who is on the verge of breaking one of the sixty-six seals.


The Impala's radio was off. Sam drove in silence and didn't even glance at the man in the passenger seat. The windows were rolled down, letting in tepid air, dust, and the sound of cicadas that cut through the purr of the engine. The sun was almost down. Its red rays leant an eerie glow to the moss-draped trees that lined the road.

"Turn left," said Sam's passenger.

Sam turned onto a dirt driveway. It led through an impressive wrought-iron gate that stood open.

"She's expecting you."

Sam barely heard him. This man, his guide--Rourke--was of no significance. As far as Sam was concerned, once Rourke got him where he wanted to go, he was expendable.

The driveway opened up onto a large, unkempt garden, and beyond that, at the top of a little rise, sat a house. Not a house, exactly, but an old, plantation-style mansion with huge windows, and a wrap-around porch, and badly peeling paint.

Sam parked the Impala right in front of the house. As soon as he got out, he noticed the woman standing on the steps. She had dull brown hair and was as skinny as the railings that lined the porch. Her white dress looked to be plain cotton. Rourke went right up to her. He grandly took her hand and kissed it before turning back to Sam. "Ms. Caroline," he said. "This is the famous Sam Winchester."

"Delighted." She came down the stairs and extended her hand to Sam like a queen, or maybe a debutante.

He could kill her right now. He had a knife in his boot, and he was fairly sure he could gut her before Rourke could stop him. He reigned in the urge; it was probably more prudent to see what she'd done here before he tried to take it away. He turned on a smile and took Caroline's hand. "The pleasure is all mine," he said, and brought her hand up to his lips without breaking eye contact. "I brought you a present."

Caroline's eyes lit up, brightening an otherwise plain face. "A present?"

"A token of my sincerity." Sam motioned her over to the car, and she followed eagerly. He popped open the trunk of the Impala to reveal Peter Petrelli, who was bound, gagged, and looking very pissed off. "I hear you've been collecting people with certain... abilities."

Caroline looked dubiously at Peter and then back at Sam. "And you think this man is one of them?"

Sam smiled, flashing his teeth. "This one's special. Trust me."
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genre: slash, fandom: supernatural, fandom: heroes, sncross_bigbang, verse: my brothers' keepers, fic

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