... I rarely post twice in a week, much less twice a day... But... It's entirely Mako's fault. She started it. XD
I've never done this meme before, and the age of some of these songs makes me feel like some kind of fossil. A few of them are also pretty obscure. If anyone recognizes those, I'll be seriously surprised. And impressed.
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Comments 19
19. Deep Blue Something, "Breakfast at Tiffany's"
21. Mr. Mister, "Kyrie"
I know some more of these but I can't call the title/artist to mind without looking them up, so I'll only do the ones that I don't need to cheat for!
I'm waiting to see if anyone gets 3, 7 and 16. When those came up on the shuffle I had to chuckle a little over them.
19) Deep Blue Something - Breakfast at Tiffany's (XD I love that song!)
I've never seen this meme before. Might have to give it a go! -lol-
I'd seen it on other people's pages, but I'd never done it myself. It's a fun one.
There are song-bits that make me want to know what songs these are so I can find them and listen to them XD
9 is 'Call me, Call me' by Yoko Kanno <3
16 is 'Re your brains' by Jonathan Coulton
Yes! I really did wonder if anyone else would recognize the zombie song. That's a pretty obscure one. XD
It's especially fun live, with the chorus as an "audience participation"-thing. He did that at the Triple Door last year in Seattle... Three hundred geeks pretending to be singing zombies... It was epic silliness. XD
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