CR Chart

Jan 09, 2022 22:04

character relationships.

Ah, Ronald. Definitely not her most favorite person in the world. He's messy, idiotic, annoying. She could go on. Though she wouldn't dare admit it, she is rather glad to have him around. He's a friend, though the two butt heads all the time.

Ron Weasley

Tom is still a mystery to Hermione. He's polite to her, of course, but they're something about him that still seems off to her. Were she aware of just who he was, she wouldn't have anything to do with him. But she does find it nice to have someone else from their world around. Though completely trusting him won't happen for a while, if at all.

Tom Riddle

Mr. Cooper really intrigues Hermione. He's a very kind adult that doesn't talk down to her, and he actually seems interested in what she has to say. And she has something to say about everything. She really enjoys having conversations with him because they aren't dry, as he seems very well educated.

Dale Cooper

Castiel is another adult that really interests Hermione. Especially since she learned he was an angel. That really brought in her interest, as she has a fascination with anything and everything she can learn more about.


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*Credit to outlands

To be put in my CR Chart, Hermione will have talked to your character at least a few times, unless they're cannonmates. If they've talked and you think I've simply forgotten, please remind me! I get distracted very easy~ x3

*too be added: miniworth & primaduelerina

*cr chart, *ooc

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