Title: Pre Med
Pairing: Ontae
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating: PG
Word Count: 623
Summary: A budding romance in a university library.
A/N: For
phasera for the Replay4Japan auction! Thank you so much,d ear, and I hope you enjoy this!
On the surface, Pre Med is your average uni student. )
Comments 22
how happy this made me
like, this is what i've been looking for all this time omg ;___; this was so adorable, seriously. pre med, yes, that is what jinki is 100% ~~ taem is so adorable, all close and physical with him without even knowing omg. i love library romances they are just too cute, too cute ;___;
ugh i'd ask you to continue this but lkjsdf idk. teehee i am in love with this ♡ you are so amazing chris ~
I wiiiish, but I seirously have so many fics I need to write for people. >< Maybe in the summer I'll continue it for you, babe! :*
Thank you so much for reading & commenting! \\\^o^///
I'll go read it as soon as I have time~ god, I haven't read ontae in SO LONG.
Glad you liked it! :)
Holy crap!!! You've got me reading Jongyu and now Ontae?!!! Are you a magician or something?!! :O
But Yosh!!!! This was short but cute :) Awwww...Taemin crushing on Jinki ;P lol
I wish my library had hot guys T__T but alas...the hot guys are never the smart ones :(
Awesome job again hun!!!! ^^ <3<3<3
Thanks for reading & commenting, I'm glad to bring you to the darkside >D
Changmin, shirtless...IN MY LIBRARY?!!!! HALLELUJIAH TO THE LORD UP ABOVE!!!!!! XO I sooooooooooooooooooooo wish that would happen *_________* (But I think I'm more likely to see Kyuhyun there instead...Not that I'm complaining or anything >_> lmao :P)
I would say just imagine Jinki in your library...But you already did when writing this story XD lololololol
Omo, OnTae is the darkside?!!! LMAO!! Well it's a good thing I joined then, the last time I checked...The darkside had cookies :DDDD lmaaoooooo >_
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Aw, I really appreciated your comment! You're such a sweetheart! Thank you so much, dear! <3
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