Sexy x Two [jonghyun centric] [1/1]

Sep 25, 2010 18:23

Title: Sexy x Two
Pairing: Jonghyun/Jonghyun?
Genre: Crack, Humor
Rating: PG
Word count: 414
Disclaimer(s): I own nothing.
Summary: Seeing double has never looked so good.

A/N: Blame ALL of this on coatofmanos . This is for you, Steph. Not what you were expecting, but thwn isn't that what you always do to me?

When the old man on the street had approached him from the dark alley way saying "I can make your wildest dreams come true" Jonghyun admits he's a little creeped out. Not that he doesn't swing that way, but someone with that many wrinkles? Never. Unless it was someone like Olivia Hussey, than he would consider, but this old guy definitely is no Olivia Hussey and not even close to a Leonard Whiting. When he tries to push the old man away and continue back to the dorm in more of a hurry than necessary, he's surprised when something smooth and cold is thrust into his hand. The old man forces him to take a purple-ish pendant, it will "bring him great happiness", and Jonghyun thinks if all else fails he can give it to Kibum to sew onto a vest or something.

The next morning and he's convinced Kibum isn't touching his pendant. Sitting beside him on the couch in the SHINee dorm is a mirror image of himself, grinning as he flips through television stations until he lands on cartoons.

"So, why are you here again?" Jonghyun asks, thanking the lucky star he was born under that the rest of his band mates are busy with schedules.

Other Jonghyun slowly tears his gaze from the TV to answer him. "To take over you schedule for the next two days, since you've been complaining about your workload."

Jonghyun nods. "That's great, except I have the day off," he says, frowning as the cartoon ends to be replaced by a soap opera.

Other Jonghyun turns off the TV. He fidgets around, checking the clock every five seconds. "What use am I, then?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest in irritation.

"I don't know," Jonghyun says with a shrug," Shouldn't you know?"

"No," Other Jonghyun huffs.

"Well, I'm bored," Jonghyun states, gaze flicking to the clock that he swears is running at like one hunder seconds a minute.

Other Jonghyun turns to face him, letting his hands fall into his lap lazily. "What do you want to do?"

Jonghyun shrugs again. Then he looks up and he's really. bored. "I don't know," he tries to think of something he wants to do and can only come up with one suggestion, "We could make out, I guess."

Other Jonghyun thinks it over and nods to himself. "Yeah, I guess."

It's weeks later, Other Jonghyun is long gone and Jinki still can't sleep without cuddling up to Taemin. He repeats over and over  again with large eyes "I just needed my jacket, all I did was forget my jacket."

shinee fan fiction, pg, finished, jonghyun

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