
Jan 31, 2012 10:11

Soemtimes I wonder if I'm not one of my trainer's strangest students.

On one end of the spectrum, you have the teenage girl who was bought a very nice 3 year old QH filly and who takes riding lessons 5 days a week.

And then you have me, the nearly 28 year old who has been plugging along at lessons once a week for two and a half years. I have no idea ( Read more... )

random shit, ponehs

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Comments 7

lurath January 31 2012, 16:21:44 UTC
Don't be jealous EVER of the girl who is riding a 3 year old 5x a week (if I read you right), because she is also probably destroying her horse's long-term usefulness with that kind of schedule.

Also, you should move to Oregon and ride Deli as much as you want :)


brigidsdaughter January 31 2012, 18:51:16 UTC
I acutally don't have the impression that she's riding HER horse for most of the lessons. I recall hearing she'd only ridden her a couple of times, so seems as if she's using my trainer's horses still while my trainer works with the filly.
I think. I don't really pay that much attention. I prefer to drool over the soon-to-be 3 year old Andalusian colt in the barn.

Also I'd LOVE to move to Oregon, but I don't think the boy would! Although I'd be curious as to how Deli and I would get along, as my track record with mares is not fantastic--barring a couple of exceptions at the therapy barn. At least my track record with Arabian corsses has improved, with both Morabs adoring me. Well. Nova doesn't really adore anyone, but he doesn't make serious attempts to bite or kick me, which is as close as you get with his imperious ass.


lurath January 31 2012, 19:05:21 UTC
Oh, well then that's okay ;)

Well, Deli doesn't do anything nasty if she doesn't like someone... she just ignores them. Unless someone frightens her - which you wouldn't do! And if she doesn't like someone whose riding her she tail-swishes, goes inverted, and won't move. Not very scary, but still opinionated, my girl :D

I think she would like you well enough! She is a I'm-going-to-bond-with-one-person kind of horse though. Many mares tend to be, and Arabians are like that as well.

You're always welcome to crash at my house if you visit the Portland area! Bring the boy in Summer/Fall if he doesn't like the rain ;)


rolypolypony January 31 2012, 16:45:46 UTC
:) Nicely said!


brigidsdaughter January 31 2012, 18:56:47 UTC
Ponies are laced with crack. True fax.


serennig January 31 2012, 18:28:12 UTC
Every "good" trainer has a few students like you. And me. There are many of us in the world. This is why my jump trainer, H., puts up with the Boy and I, drives all the way out to our barn. Thing is, we stick around and with a minimum of drama -- teenage girls come and go.


brigidsdaughter January 31 2012, 18:56:23 UTC
This is true--most of my trainer's clients seem to be kids, and they do indeed seem to come and go.

I just feel a little odd around all the teenage girls excited about showing! I think the owner of the horse I actually ride in my lessons is another one of us--I don't get the impression that she shows much, if at all. I just don't see her around as much because uh...I'm hogging her horse at the time!


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