Hey all! Congrats to all of you who stuck it out and wrote for last week's topic! That was a really tough one, in my opinion. This one should be a little easier- in the ALDS (Arbitrary Lacombe Difficulty Scale), this is the second-easiest topic this month.
*** New Members: Welcome! We're on our second week of competition-- no new competitors will be accepted until signups for the next month's contest rolls around. However, feel free to compete on a "Just for fun" basis! Also, check out the
Main Contest Rules for info and guidelines on the main contest! ***
--- Please remember to submit your entry link in the poll below! ---
Your topic for October, Week 2 is....
Most literally, navel means "center" or "middle". In spiritual disciplines, it is the core, the focal point of the body. In the woman, it is the center of life- the womb. In martial arts, our navel is our center of balance- that core place where we found our chi, our grounding, and our source of power.
The Greeks saw enormous power within the navel, and not just as a source of life-- the Greek Gods had been held in the Navel of Cronus, or Saturn, until they were able to burst forth and take their places as ruler of the world. The navel can also be seen as a religious center, just as religious sites across the world, from Delphi to Jerusalem to Easter Island, have been called "The Navel of the World".
What life, what fruition lies within your center? What power is being held at the core, waiting to burst forth? Contemplate your navel, write from your gut, and create something special this week.
Click here to edit your submission Poll Contest Entries, Week 2, October *** Your Contest Entries are due Friday, October 16, 2009, at 8pm EST. Because this week 2 of our largest competition of all time and we currently have more than 80 contestants in the running, we ask that you try to keep your entries under 1,350 words to keep the reading demand down a little. However, this is _not_ a rule, and it will not be enforced. If you run over, you still qualify to compete! ***